Inside Bellingham: September 27, 2024

Chief Mertzig’s FBI achievement, proposed 2025 budget, a musical library partnership and more: A news roundup from the City of Bellingham

September 27, 2024 - by City of Bellingham Communications Team

Congratulations, Chief Mertzig! Last week Chief Rebecca Mertzig was one of 254 law enforcement officers to graduate from the 10-week FBI National Academy (NA) in Quantico, Virginia. The FBI National Academy is a selective, world-renowned program known for its academic excellence, providing advanced education in subjects like communication, leadership, wellness, resilience and fitness. Chief Mertzig earned 18 credits towards a master’s degree during her time at the FBI NA. “It was an honor to represent the Bellingham Police Department and be selected by the FBI for such a highly regarded and challenging program,” said Chief Mertzig. “My time away was invaluable. The knowledge, relationships and tools I gained will benefit the City for many years. I am grateful for the support of Mayor Lund, police department personnel, and my family so I could attend the National Academy and make the most of my experience.”

Proposed 2025 budget: Mayor Kim Lund will present her proposed 2025 budget to the Bellingham City Council at 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30, during the Committee of the Whole meeting. In her budget message, Mayor Lund said the proposed budget seeks to address deficit spending and maintain services while we develop strategies to put the City in a stronger financial position in the coming years. Mayor Lund said it reflects hard decisions, made in collaboration with the City’s leadership team, and is reflective of our commitment to a one-City approach and our newly adopted financial policies. “My proposed budget expresses my vision for our City being among the best cities in the nation, with excellent government in service to our community and strong fiscal stewardship of public dollars,” she said. See the proposed budget at

E. Stuart Road encampment summary judgment: We continue to address the ongoing challenges posed by the unauthorized encampment on E. Stuart Road with diligence, compassion and transparent communication. This week’s court action is another step forward to address the health and safety needs of all community members. Our internal team is developing our next steps, which will include identifying help for people living in or spending time at this encampment. We remain committed to finding long-term solutions – for this encampment and others – that balance public safety, private property rights, and the well-being of individuals experiencing homelessness, substance use disorders and/or behavioral health challenges. We will continue to provide updates as we develop plans. 

Literary Connections: Bellingham Public Library and Bellingham Symphony Orchestra are partnering for the 2024-25 concert season to pair book selections with the concert themes. Titles for adults and picture book pairings for children correspond to each concert theme, September through June. Some titles are available in multiple formats, including print, digital or audiobook. The Bellingham Symphony Orchestra concert season opens on Sunday, Sept. 29 at Mount Baker Theatre with BSO: Moving Foward, featuring guest violinist Bella Hristova. The Library recommends reading or listening to The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb (Adult Fiction), about the experience of being Black in the classical music world. The picture book pairing for children is The Greatest Song of All: How Isaac Stern United the World to Save Carnegie Hall by Megan Hoyt. 

Still time to enter our photo contest: If you have fantastic photos that capture the moments, events, and places that make Bellingham special, then don’t keep them to yourself! We encourage you to enter the 19th annual Essence of Bellingham Photo Competition. Photographers of all ages and skill levels can submit photos through Oct. 1, 2024. The City of Bellingham and the Whatcom Museum created the competition to highlight what we love most about our community and celebrate the artists who capture its essence. Winning entries may appear on BTV, in City publications, on the City’s website, and on City social media accounts. Find competition details, entry forms, and an archive of previous winners at

In Case You Missed It: A video recording is now available of the recent presentation What Is Addiction? Plain Talk for Our Community. This powerful discussion features local health care providers, as well as community members in recovery. It was hosted by Bellingham Public Library and multiple partners, in an effort to increase understanding about addiction and reduce the stigma that prevents treatment and open dialogue.   

Media Contact

Melissa Morin
Communications and Community Relations Director
City of Bellingham or (360) 778-8100

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