Housing Support, Shelter, and Human Services Employee BenefitsHousing Laws, Rental Registration and Tenant and Landlord ResourcesLearn about rental registration and safety inspection requirements, Fair Housing Laws, and other rental regulations. Find tenant and landlord support and resources, and low-income housing search support. Employee BenefitsShelter, Food, Hygiene and Other Human ServicesFind housing, shelter, food, hygiene, health and safety resources. Learn more about what’s being done to address homelessness and how you can get involved. Employee BenefitsFunding Support for Affordable Housing Programs and HomeownersGet information about the Home Rehabilitation Loan Program, opportunities to partner with the City and receive funding, and affordable housing incentives. Employee BenefitsWhat’s Being Done? Housing and Human Services ProgramsSee affordable housing projects, who the City partners with to serve community members, who we serve, and homelessness prevention funding strategies and statistics. Employee BenefitsHousing Program Guides, Plans and ReportsLearn more about the City’s housing action plan, performance reports, and statistics. Employee BenefitsHousing FAQsFind answers to common questions about housing issues in Bellingham, including what the City is doing now and will be doing next. Employee BenefitsContact UsDo you have questions or want more information? Contact the Planning and Community Development Department.