Final public meeting for Community Park at Cordata

Meeting scheduled for July 30, 2018, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

July 16, 2018 - by Nicole Oliver, Design and Development Manager

​Bellingham Parks and Recreation invites the public to the third and final public meeting to review and comment on plans for the first phase of the new community park in the Cordata neighborhood.  The meeting will be held July 30, 2018, from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Birchwood Presbyterian Church, #3 Chapel, 400 Meadowbrook Ct, Bellingham.

“We are excited about breaking ground next spring and believe the planned park amenities will make it a new favorite destination,” said Leslie Bryson, Parks and Recreation Director.  “The park is an important addition to the system serving the north end of town”, Bryson added. The design is based on the park master plan adopted by the City Council in September 2017.  Phase one focuses on the north activity node and the proposed plans include a spray park, playground, parkour area, bicycle pump track, adult exercise area, picnic shelter and restroom.  Phase one also includes a trail loop through the park, an open playfield, pedestrian gateways, landscaping, art, and parking.


The Parks and Recreation Department welcomes all residents to attend the July 30 meeting but will also accept written comments, which can be e-mailed to Jonathan Schilk or mailed to the Parks and Recreation Department at 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.


The City acquired the new 20-acre park in 2015 with voter approved Greenways Levy funds.   The park is located on the east side of Cordata Parkway between Stuart and Horton Roads, in the Cordata Neighborhood.


For more information or to sign up for future notices, please contact Jonathan Schilk at Parks and Recreation, or visit the Parks website at

Media Contact

​Nicole Oliver
Bellingham Parks and Recreation
Design and Development Manager
(360) 778-7000


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