Department | Job Title Sort | Job Title | Classification | Bargaining Unit | Published File Name | SharePoint List ID | Salary Grade |
Executive | Executive Assistant | Executive Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | EXExecutiveAssistant.jd.pdf | 5 | E2-3 |
Executive | Executive Administrative Assistant | Executive Administrative Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | EXAdministrativeAssistant.jd.pdf | 11 | E1-8 |
City Council | Legislative Policy Analyst | Legislative Policy Analyst | N/A | E-Plan | CCLegislativePolicyAnalyst.jd.pdf | 15 | E2-6 |
Fire | Emergency Management Administrative Support Clerk | Emergency Management Administrative Support Clerk | Office Assistant II | Union:1937 | OEMAdminSupportClerk.jd.pdf | 24 | 6 |
Fire | Assistant Fire Chief: Personnel And Operations | Assistant Fire Chief: Personnel And Operations | N/A | E-Plan | FIAsstChiefPrsnlOps.jd.pdf | 25 | E-UM-2 |
Fire | Fire Chief | Fire Chief | N/A | E-Plan | FIFireChief.jd.pdf | 28 | E-DH-A |
Fire | Firefighter/Paramedic | Firefighter/Paramedic | Firefighter | Union:106 | FIFirefighterParamedic.jd.pdf | 29 | S-29 |
Fire | Medic One Operations Captain | Medic One Operations Captain | EMS Captain | Union:106 | FIMedicOneOpsCapt.jd.pdf | 31 | S-32 |
Fire | Medic One Training Captain | Medic One Training Captain | EMS Captain | Union:106 | FIMedicOneTrainingCapt.jd.pdf | 32 | S-32 |
Finance | Finance Office Assistant | Finance Office Assistant | Office Assistant II | Union:114 | FNOfficeAssistant.jd.pdf | 33 | 6 |
Finance | Accounting Manager | Accounting Manager | N/A | E-Plan | FNAcctMgr.jd.pdf | 34 | E2-11 |
Finance | Accounts Payable Assistant | Accounts Payable Assistant | Accounting Assistant III | Union:114 | FNAcctPayableAsst.jd.pdf | 35 | 8 |
Finance | Accounts Payable Technician | Accounts Payable Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:114 | FNAcctPayableTech.jd.pdf | 36 | 9 |
Finance | Deputy City Clerk | Deputy City Clerk | N/A | E-Plan | FNDeputyCityClerk.jd.pdf | 40 | E2-9 |
Finance | Finance Director | Finance Director | N/A | E-Plan | FNFinanceDirector.jd.pdf | 41 | E-DH-C |
Finance | Finance Accounting Technician | Finance Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:114 | FNFinanceTech.jd.pdf | 42 | 9 |
Finance | Finance Cashier | Finance Cashier | Accounting Assistant I | 1937 | FNFinanceCashier.jd.pdf | 46 | 6 |
Finance | Senior Finance Representative | Senior Finance Representative | Accounting Technician | Union:114 | FNSeniorFinanceRepresentative.jd.pdf | 47 | 9 |
Hearing Examiner | Hearing Examiner | Hearing Examiner | Department Head | E-Plan | HEHearingExaminer.jd.pdf | 48 | Group B |
Hearing Examiner | Hearing Examiner Administrative Assistant | Hearing Examiner Administrative Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | HEHearingExaminerAdminAssistant.jd.pdf | 49 | E1-8 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Employee Benefits Manager | Human Resources Employee Benefits Manager | N/A | E-Plan | HREmployeeBenefitsManager.pdf | 54 | E2-10 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Director | Human Resources Director | N/A | E-Plan | HRHumanResourcesDirector.jd.pdf | 55 | E-DH-C |
Human Resources | Human Resources Information Systems Analyst | Human Resources Information Systems Analyst | E-Plan | HRHRISAnalyst.jd.pdf | 57 | E2-7 | |
Human Resources | Payroll Manager | Payroll Manager | N/A | E-Plan | HRPayrollManager.jd.pdf | 58 | E2-10 |
Human Resources | Recruitment And Selections Specialist | Recruitment And Selections Specialist | E-Plan | HRRecruitmentSelectionsSpecialist.jd.pdf | 60 | E1-10 | |
Information Technology Services | Applications Manager | Applications Manager | N/A | E-Plan | ITApplicationsManager.jd.pdf | 63 | E2-13 |
Information Technology Services | Information Technology Services Director | Information Technology Services Director | N/A | E-Plan | ITInfoTechnologySvcsDirector.pdf | 67 | E-DH-C |
Information Technology Services | ITSD Accounting Technician | ITSD Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:114 | ITSDAccountingTech.jd.pdf | 69 | 9 |
Information Technology Services | Senior Project Manager - Database Administrator | Senior Project Manager - Database Administrator | N/A | Union:231 | ITSr.ProjectManagerDBA.jd.pdf | 70 | 7 |
Information Technology Services | Systems Process Analyst | Systems Process Analyst | N/A | Union:231 | ITSystemsProcessAnalyst.jd.pdf | 71 | 7 |
Information Technology Services | Technical Services Manager | Technical Services Manager | N/A | Union:231 | ITTechnicalSvcsManager.jd.pdf | 72 | 9 |
Information Technology Services | Network Telecommunications Analyst | Network Telecommunications Analyst | N/A | Union:231 | ITNetworkTelecommunicationsAnalyst.jd.pdf | 75 | 7 |
Information Technology Services | Television Station Coordinator | Television Station Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | ITTVStationCoordinator.jd.pdf | 76 | 5 |
Information Technology Services | Web Systems Analyst | Web Systems Analyst | N/A | Union:231 | ITWebSystemsAnalyst.jd.pdf | 77 | 7 |
Municipal Court | Court Accounting Technician | Court Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:1937 | JSSCourtAcctgTech.jd.pdf | 79 | 9 |
Municipal Court | Court Records Program Technician | Court Records Program Technician | N/A | E-Plan | MCCourtRecordsProgramTech.jd.pdf | 80 | E1-8 |
Municipal Court | Court Director | Court Director | N/A | E-Plan | MCCourtDirector.jd.pdf.pdf | 81 | E-A-1 |
Municipal Court | Chief Deputy Court Clerk | Chief Deputy Court Clerk | N/A | Union:231 | MUChiefDeputyCourtClerk.jd.pdf | 82 | 6 |
Legal | Prosecuting Attorney I/II | Prosecuting Attorney I/II | N/A | E-Plan | LEProsecutingAttorneyI-II.jd.pdf | 88 | E2-10/12 |
Legal | City Attorney | City Attorney | N/A | E-Plan | LECityAttorney.jd.pdf | 95 | E-DH-B |
Legal | Lead Prosecutor | Lead Prosecutor | N/A | E-Plan | LELeadProsecutor.jd.pdf | 96 | E2-14 |
Legal | Victim Witness Advocate/Case Coordinator | Victim Witness Advocate/Case Coordinator | N/A | E-Plan | LEVictimWitnessAdvctCaseCoord.jd.pdf | 99 | E2-3 |
Library | Library Administrative Assistant | Library Administrative Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | LIAdminAsst.jd.pdf | 101 | E1-8 |
Library | Branch Library Specialist | Branch Library Specialist | Library Specialist 3 | Union:114 | LIBranchLibrarySpecialist.jd.pdf | 103 | 11 |
Library | Head Of Information And Reader Services | Head Of Information And Reader Services | Librarian III | Union:114L | LIHeadInfoandReadersSvcs.jd.pdf | 117 | L-3 |
Library | Head of Children's Services | Head of Children's Services | Librarian III | Union:114L | LIHeadofYouthSrvcs.jd.pdf | 124 | L-3 |
Library | Head of Digital Services | Head of Digital Services | Librarian III | Union:114L | LIHeadofDigitalServices.jd.pdf | 125 | L-3 |
Library | Interlibrary Loan Specialist | Interlibrary Loan Specialist | Library Specialist 1 | Union:114 | LIInterlibraryLoanSpecialist.jd.pdf | 127 | 7 |
Library | Library Technical Services Specialist | Library Technical Services Specialist | Library Specialist 1 | Union:114 | LITechnicalServicesSpecialist.jd.pdf | 128 | 7 |
Library | Library Catalog Specialist | Library Catalog Specialist | Library Specialist 1 | Union:1937 | LILibraryCatalogSpecialist.pdf | 131 | 7 |
Library | Library Children’s Specialist | Library Children’s Specialist | Library Specialist 2 | Union:114 | LILibraryChildrensSpecialist.jd.pdf | 132 | 8 |
Library | Public Services Clerk | Public Services Clerk | Library Clerk | Union:114 | LIPublicServicesClerk.jd.pdf | 133 | 6 |
Library | Library Director | Library Director | N/A | E-Plan | LILibraryDirector.jd.pdf | 134 | E-DH-D |
Library | Library Outreach Specialist | Library Outreach Specialist | Library Specialist 2 | Union:114 | LILibraryOutreachSpecialist.jd.pdf | 135 | 8 |
Library | Library Processing Specialist | Library Processing Specialist | Library Specialist 1 | Union:114 | LILibraryProcessingSpecialist.jd.pdf | 138 | 7 |
Library | Library Security And Information Attendant | Library Security And Information Attendant | Security and Information Attendent | Union:114 | LILibrarySecurityandInformationAttendant.jd.pdf | 139 | 4 |
Library | Page Coordinator | Page Coordinator | Library Coordinator | Union:114 | LIPageCoordinator.jd.pdf | 144 | 7 |
Library | Public Services Librarian II | Public Services Librarian II | Librarian II | Union:114L | LIPublicServicesLibrarian.jd.pdf | 146 | L-2 |
Library | Public Services Librarian I | Public Services Librarian I | Librarian I | Union:114L | LIPublicServicesLibrarian1.jd.pdf | 150 | L-1 |
Library | Teen And Web Services Librarian | Teen And Web Services Librarian | Librarian II | Union:114L | LITeenandWebSvcsLibrarian.jd.pdf | 152 | L-2 |
Museum | Museum Accounting Technician | Museum Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:114 | MMAcctTech2011.jd.pdf | 153 | 9 |
Museum | Exhibits Assistant | Exhibits Assistant | N/A | Union:114 | MMExhibitsAsst.jd.pdf | 158 | 6 |
Museum | Exhibition Designer/Preparator | Exhibition Designer/Preparator | N/A | Union:231 | MMExhibitsDesigner.jd.pdf | 159 | 6 |
Museum | Curator Of Art And Exhibitions | Curator Of Art And Exhibitions | Museum Curator | Union:231 | MMMuseumCuratorArt-Exhibits.pdf | 160 | 8 |
Museum | Museum Director | Museum Director | N/A | E-Plan | MMMuseumDirector.jd.pdf | 161 | E-DH-E |
Museum | Photo Archivist/Curator Of History | Photo Archivist/Curator Of History | Museum Curator | Union:231 | MMPhotoArchivistCurator.jd.pdf | 164 | S-8 |
Museum | Photo Archives Research Technician | Photo Archives Research Technician | N/A | Union:114 | MMPhotoArchivistTech.jd.pdf | 165 | 9 |
Museum | Senior Curator For Education And Public Programs | Senior Curator For Education And Public Programs | N/A | Union:231 | MMSrCuratorEdPubProg.jd.pdf | 167 | 9 |
Parks and Recreation | Aquatic Center Cashier | Aquatic Center Cashier | N/A | NON 114 | PAAquaticCenterCashier.jd.pdf | 169 | |
Parks and Recreation | Aquatics Manager | Aquatics Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PAAquaticsManager.jd.pdf | 171 | B3 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Design & Development Manager | Park Design & Development Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PADesign&DevelopmentMgr.jd.pdf | 175 | 6 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Facilities Manager | Parks Facilities Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PAFacilitiesManager.jd.pdf | 177 | E2-13 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Planning and Development Coordinator | Park Planning and Development Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | PAPlanningDevelopmentCoord.jd.pdf | 178 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Grounds Maintenance Manager | Parks Grounds Maintenance Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PAGroundsMaintenanceMgr.jd.pdf | 179 | 5 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide II - Athletic Fields/Facilities | Maintenance Aide II - Athletic Fields/Facilities | N/A | Union:114 | PAMA2Athletic.jd.pdf | 180 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide II - Horticulture | Maintenance Aide II - Horticulture | Maintenance Aide II | Union:114 | PAMA2Hort.jd.pdf | 182 | 1 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide II - Mowing | Maintenance Aide II - Mowing | N/A | Union:114 | PAMA2Mowing.jd.pdf | 183 | 1 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide II - Natural Resources | Maintenance Aide II - Natural Resources | N/A | Union:114 | PAMA2NaturalResources.jd.pdf | 184 | 1 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide III - Athletic Fields/Facilities | Maintenance Aide III - Athletic Fields/Facilities | N/A | Union:114 | PAMA3Athletic.jd.pdf | 186 | 1 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide III – Facilities | Maintenance Aide III – Facilities | N/A | Union:114 | PAMA3Facilities.pdf | 187 | 3 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide III - Horticulture | Maintenance Aide III - Horticulture | Maintenance Aide III | Union:114 | PAMA3Hort.jd.pdf | 188 | 3 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide III - Mowing | Maintenance Aide III - Mowing | N/A | Union:114 | PAMA3Mowing.jd.pdf | 189 | 3 |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide III - Natural Resources | Maintenance Aide III - Natural Resources | N/A | PAMA3NaturalResources.jd.pdf | 190 | 3 | |
Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Aide III - Turf/Irrigation | Maintenance Aide III - Turf/Irrigation | Maintenance Aide III | Union:114 | PAMA3TurfIrrigation.jd.pdf | 191 | 3 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Operations Manager | Parks Operations Manager | N/A | PAOperationsMgr.jd.pdf | 192 | 3 | |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Operations Administrative Secretary | Parks Operations Administrative Secretary | Administrative Secretary | E-Plan | PAOperationsAdministrativeSecretary.jd.pdf | 193 | E2-13 |
Parks and Recreation | Project Engineer - Parks | Project Engineer - Parks | N/A | Union:1937 | PAProjectEngineerParks.jd.pdf | 194 | 9 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks And Recreation Administrative Coordinator | Parks And Recreation Administrative Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | PAParksandRecAdminCoordinator.jd.pdf | 195 | 8 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks and Recreation Director | Parks and Recreation Director | N/A | Union:231 | PAParksandRecreationDirector.jd.pdf | 197 | 5 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks and Recreation Accounting Technician | Parks and Recreation Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | E-Plan | PAParksRecreationAccountingTech.jd.pdf | 199 | E-DH-C |
Parks and Recreation | Office Assistant - Bayview Cemetery | Office Assistant - Bayview Cemetery | Office Assistant II | Union:1937 | PAOfficeAssistBayview.jd.pdf | 200 | 9 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Technician - Athletic Fields/Facilities | Park Technician - Athletic Fields/Facilities | Park Technician - Grounds | Union:114 | PAParkTechAthletic.jd.pdf | 201 | 4 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Worker - Athletic Fields/Facilities | Park Worker - Athletic Fields/Facilities | N/A | Union:114 | PAParkWorkerAthleticFields.jd.pdf | 202 | 10 |
Parks and Recreation | Recreation Coordinator/Specialized Recreation And General Enrichment | Recreation Coordinator/Specialized Recreation And General Enrichment | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:114 | PARecCoordSpecRecGenEnrich.jd.pdf | 203 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Reception/Registration/Reservation Clerk, Reservation/Registration/Reception Clerk | Reception/Registration/Reservation Clerk, Reservation/Registration/Reception Clerk | Office Assistant II | Union:1937 | PAReceptRegistReservationClerk.jd.pdf | 204 | N/A |
Parks and Recreation | Recreation Coordinator/Aquatics | Recreation Coordinator/Aquatics | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:114 | PARecreationCoordinatorAquatics.pdf | 205 | 6 |
Parks and Recreation | Recreation Manger | Recreation Manger | N/A | Union:1937 | PARecreationMgr.jd.pdf | 206 | 10 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Specialist - Athletic Facilities | Park Specialist - Athletic Facilities | Park Specialist – Grounds | E-Plan | PASpecialistAthletic.jd.pdf | 208 | E2-13 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Specialist – Natural Resources | Park Specialist – Natural Resources | Park Specialist - Grounds | Union:1937 | PASpecialistNaturalResources.jd.pdf | 209 | 12 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Specialist – Urban Parks | Park Specialist – Urban Parks | Park Specialist – Grounds | Union:114 | PASpecialistUrbanParks.jd.pdf | 210 | 12 |
Parks and Recreation | Youth Enrichment/Special Events Coordinator | Youth Enrichment/Special Events Coordinator | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:114 | PAYouthEnrichSpecEventsCoord.jd.pdf | 212 | 12 |
Planning and Community Development | Long Range Planning Manager | Long Range Planning Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PD_LongRangePlanningMgr_PlanCommDev.pdf | 213 | 10 |
Planning and Community Development | Housing & Services Program Manager | Housing & Services Program Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PDHousing&ServicesProgMgr.jd.pdf | 214 | E2-15 |
Planning and Community Development | Community Development Secretary | Community Development Secretary | Administrative Secretary | Union:231 | PDCommDevelopmentAdminSec.jd.pdf | 215 | 7 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning Senior GIS Analyst | Planning Senior GIS Analyst | N/A | Union:114 | PDPlanningSeniorGISAnalyst.jd.pdf | 217 | 9 |
Planning and Community Development | Home Rehabilitation Specialist | Home Rehabilitation Specialist | Home Rehabilitation Specialist | Union:231 | PDHomeRehabSpeclst.jd.pdf | 220 | 5 |
Planning and Community Development | Housing Program Specialist | Housing Program Specialist | N/A | Entry | PDHousingProgSpec.jd.pdf | 221 | N/A |
Planning and Community Development | Planning Department Office Assistant | Planning Department Office Assistant | Office Assistant II | Union:231 | PDOfficeAsst.jd.pdf | 222 | 3 |
Planning and Community Development | Permit Center Supervisor | Permit Center Supervisor | N/A | Union:114 | PDPermitCenterSupervisor.jd.pdf | 226 | 6 |
Planning and Community Development | Permit Clerk | Permit Clerk | Office Assistant II | Union:231 | PDPermitClerk.jd.pdf | 227 | 4 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning and Community Development Director | Planning and Community Development Director | N/A | Union:231 | PDPlanandCommDevelopDirector.jd.pdf | 229 | 4 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning and Community Development Office Assistant | Planning and Community Development Office Assistant | Office Assistant II | Union:114 | PDPlanCDOfficeAsst.JD.pdf | 230 | 6 |
Police | Police Accounting Technician | Police Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | E-Plan | POAcctTech.jd.pdf | 233 | E-DH-C |
Police | Police Administrative Coordinator | Police Administrative Coordinator | N/A | Union:114 | POAdminCoord.jd.pdf | 234 | N/A |
Police | Code Compliance Officer | Code Compliance Officer | N/A | Union:114 | POCodeCompOff.jd.pdf | 235 | 9 |
Police | Crime Analyst | Crime Analyst | N/A | E-Plan | POCrimeAnalyst.jd.pdf | 236 | E1-11 |
Police | Deputy Police Chief | Deputy Police Chief | N/A | Union:231 | PODeputyPoliceChief.jd.pdf | 237 | 3 |
Police | Police Chief | Police Chief | N/A | Union:231 | POPoliceChief.jd.pdf | 238 | 3 |
Police | Police Records Bureau Supervisor | Police Records Bureau Supervisor | N/A | E-Plan | PORecordsBureauSupervisor.pdf | 242 | E-UM-2 |
Police | What-Comm Accounting Technician | What-Comm Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | E-Plan | POWhat-CommAccountingTechnician.jd.pdf | 243 | E-DH-A |
Police | What-Comm Technical Support/Applications Support Specialist | What-Comm Technical Support/Applications Support Specialist | Technical Support/Applications Support Specialist | Union:231 | POWhat-CommTechSupportAppSupportSpec.jd.pdf | 244 | 3 |
Public Works | Public Works Administrative Secretary | Public Works Administrative Secretary | Administrative Secretary | Union:114 | PWAdministrativeSecretary.jd.pdf | 246 | 9 |
Public Works | Assistant Director Of Public Works | Assistant Director Of Public Works | N/A | Union:114 | PWAsstDirectorPublicWorks.jd.pdf | 248 | 15 |
Public Works | Chief Operator Water | Chief Operator Water | N/A | Union:114 | PWChiefOprWaterTreat.jd.pdf | 250 | 9 |
Public Works | Public Works Communications & Outreach Coordinator | Public Works Communications & Outreach Coordinator | N/A | E-Plan | PWCommandOutreachCoord.pdf | 251 | E2-16 |
Public Works | Public Works Accounting Assistant | Public Works Accounting Assistant | Accounting Assistant 2 | Union:231 | PWAccountingAsst.jd.pdf | 252 | 7 |
Public Works | Communications & Electronics Manager | Communications & Electronics Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PWCommElecManager.jd.pdf | 253 | 4 |
Public Works | Contract Accounting Technician | Contract Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:114 | PWContractAccountingTechnician.jd.pdf | 256 | 7 |
Public Works | Development Manager | Development Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PWDevelopmentManager.jd.pdf | 261 | 9 |
Public Works | Engineering Manager | Engineering Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PWEngineeringManager.jd.pdf | 263 | 3 |
Public Works | Habitat and Restoration Manager | Habitat and Restoration Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PWHabitatRestorationMgr.jd.pdf | 265 | E2-13 |
Public Works | Education and Outreach Specialist | Education and Outreach Specialist | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | E-Plan | PWEducationandOutreachSpecialist.jd.pdf | 266 | E2-13 |
Public Works | Natural Resources Policy Manager | Natural Resources Policy Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PWNRPolicyManager.jd.pdf | 267 | 7 |
Public Works | Facilities Manager | Facilities Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PWFacilitiesManager.jd.pdf | 268 | 10 |
Public Works | Financial Services Accounting Technician | Financial Services Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | E-Plan | PWFinancialServicesAcctTech.jd.pdf | 269 | E2-10 |
Public Works | Public Works Financial Services Manager | Public Works Financial Services Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PWFinancialServicesManager.jd.pdf | 270 | 8 |
Public Works | Financial Services Representative | Financial Services Representative | Accounting Assistant II | Union:114 | PWFinServsRep.jd.pdf | 271 | 9 |
Public Works | Public Works GIS Senior Technician | Public Works GIS Senior Technician | GIS Technician, Senior | Union:231 | PWGISSeniorTech.jd.pdf | 275 | 7 |
Public Works | GIS Specialist | GIS Specialist | GIS Specialist | Union:114 | PWGISSpecialist.jd.pdf | 276 | 7 |
Public Works | GIS Technician | GIS Technician | Engineering Technician | Union:114 | PWGISTechnician.jd.pdf | 278 | 14 |
Public Works | Maintenance Worker 3/Plant Operations | Maintenance Worker 3/Plant Operations | Maintenance Worker 3 | Union:231 | PWMaintenanceWorker3-PlantOps.jd.pdf | 280 | S-6 |
Public Works | Maintenance Supervisor - Plants | Maintenance Supervisor - Plants | N/A | Union:114 | PWMaintSuperPlants.jd.pdf | 281 | 11 |
Public Works | Maintenance Supervisor - Storm Drainage | Maintenance Supervisor - Storm Drainage | N/A | Union:114 | PWMaintSuperStorm.jd.pdf | 282 | 10 |
Public Works | Maintenance Supervisor – Street/Solid Waste | Maintenance Supervisor – Street/Solid Waste | N/A | Union:231 | PWMaintSuperStreet.jd.pdf | 283 | 7 |
Public Works | Maintenance Supervisor - Wastewater Collection | Maintenance Supervisor - Wastewater Collection | N/A | Union:231 | PWMaintSuperWastewater.jd.pdf | 284 | 6 |
Public Works | Maintenance Supervisor - Water Distribution | Maintenance Supervisor - Water Distribution | N/A | Union:231 | PWMaintSuperWater.jd.pdf | 285 | 6 |
Public Works | Chief Operator - Wastewater | Chief Operator - Wastewater | N/A | Union:231 | PWChiefOperatorWastewater.jd.pdf | 287 | 6 |
Public Works | Parking Services Custodial Maintenance Worker | Parking Services Custodial Maintenance Worker | Custodial Maintenance Worker 2 | Union:231 | PWParkingSvcCustMaintWrkr.jd.pdf | 292 | 6 |
Public Works | Permits Reviewer | Permits Reviewer | Engineering Technician | Union:231 | PWPermitsReviewer.jd.pdf | 293 | 7 |
Public Works | Project Accounting Coordinator | Project Accounting Coordinator | N/A | Union:114 | PWProjectAccountingCoordinator.jd.pdf | 294 | 6 |
Public Works | Engineer II - Development | Engineer II - Development | N/A | Union:114 | PWEngineerII-Development.jd.pdf | 295 | 11 |
Public Works | Public Works Director | Public Works Director | N/A | E-Plan | PWPublicWorksDirector.jd.pdf | 298 | E-DH-B |
Public Works | Public Works Department Systems Analyst | Public Works Department Systems Analyst | N/A | Union:231 | PWPublicWorksDeptSystemsAnalyst.jd.pdf | 299 | 8 |
Public Works | Real Property Manager | Real Property Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PWRealPropMgr.jd.pdf | 300 | E-DH-B |
Public Works | Public Works Receptionist | Public Works Receptionist | Office Assistant II | Union:231 | PWReceptionist.jd.pdf | 301 | 4 |
Public Works | Reception/Records Clerk | Reception/Records Clerk | Office Assistant II | Union:231 | PWReceptionRecordClk.jd.pdf | 302 | 6 |
Public Works | Storm & Surface Water Program Technician | Storm & Surface Water Program Technician | Natural Resources Program Technician III | Union:114 | PWNRSSWUProgramTech.jd.pdf | 310 | 6 |
Public Works | Surface and Stormwater Utility Manager | Surface and Stormwater Utility Manager | N/A | Union:114 | PWNRSSWUMgr.jd.pdf | 311 | 6 |
Public Works | Public Works Superintendent - Maintenance | Public Works Superintendent - Maintenance | N/A | Union:114 | PWSuperintendentMaint.jd.pdf | 312 | 14 |
Public Works | Superintendent of Plants | Superintendent of Plants | N/A | Union:231 | PWSuperintendentPlants.jd.pdf | 313 | 8 |
Public Works | Superintendent of Traffic, Communications, Facilities & Fleet | Superintendent of Traffic, Communications, Facilities & Fleet | Department Manager 2 | E-Plan | PWSuperintendentTrafficCommFacilitiesFleet.jd.pdf | 316 | E2-13 |
Public Works | Surface Water Utility Technician | Surface Water Utility Technician | Engineering Technician | E-Plan | PWSurfaceWaterUtilityTechnician.jd.pdf | 317 | E2-13 |
Public Works | Technical Supervisor - Water Quality | Technical Supervisor - Water Quality | N/A | E-Plan | PWTechSuperWtrQlty.jd.pdf | 319 | E-18 |
Public Works | Transportation Planner | Transportation Planner | N/A | Union:114 | PWTransportationPlnr.jd.pdf | 320 | 11 |
Public Works | Associate Transportation Technician | Associate Transportation Technician | Associate Engineering Technician | Union:231 | PWAssociateTransportationTech.jd.pdf | 321 | 7 |
Public Works | Stormwater Inspector | Stormwater Inspector | Engineering Technician | Union:231 | PWNRStormwaterInspector.jd.pdf | 324 | 5/6 |
Public Works | Warehouse Supervisor | Warehouse Supervisor | Division Supervisor | Union:1937 | PWWarehouseSupervisor.jd.pdf | 330 | 9 |
Public Works | Communications and Outreach Manager | Communications and Outreach Manager | N/A | Union:114 | PWCommunicationOutreachManager.pdf | 334 | 11 |
Public Works | Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator | Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | PWAquaticInvasiveSpeciesCoordinator.jd.pdf | 337 | S-8 |
Planning and Community Development | Permit Center Office Assistant | Permit Center Office Assistant | Office Assistant I | Union:231 | PCDReceptionOfficeAsstI.jd.pdf | 338 | 7 |
Finance | Revenue Coordinator | Revenue Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | FNRevenueCoordinator.jd.pdf | 341 | 5 |
Public Works | Assistant Director of Natural Resources | Assistant Director of Natural Resources | N/A | Union:114 | PWAsstDirectorNaturalResources.pdf | 349 | 4 |
Executive | City Hall Receptionist | City Hall Receptionist | N/A | Union:231 | EXCityHallReceptionist.jd.pdf | 351 | 5 |
Public Works | Public Works Administrative Supervisor | Public Works Administrative Supervisor | N/A | E-Plan | PWOpsAdminSupervisor.jd.pdf | 354 | E2-16 |
Fire | Fire Department Systems Analyst | Fire Department Systems Analyst | N/A | E-Plan | FISystemsAnalyst.jd.pdf | 355 | E1-2 |
Fire | Fire Administrative Manager | Fire Administrative Manager | N/A | Union:231 | FIAdministrativeManager.jd.pdf | 359 | 5 |
Public Works | Natural Resources Administrative Secretary | Natural Resources Administrative Secretary | Administrative Secretary | Union:231 | PWAdministrativeSecretaryNR.pdf | 360 | 7 |
Fire | Emergency Manager | Emergency Manager | N/A | Union:231 | FIEmergencyManager.jd.pdf | 361 | 6 |
Police | What-Comm Deputy Director | What-Comm Deputy Director | N/A | Union:114 | POWhatCommDeputyDirector.jd.pdf | 363 | 9 |
Library | Head of Community Relations - Library | Head of Community Relations - Library | N/A | E-Plan | LIHeadofCommunityRelations-Library.jd.pdf | 364 | E2-10 |
City Council | Legislative Assistant | Legislative Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | CCLegislativeAssistant.jd.pdf | 370 | E2-12 |
Public Works | Purchasing Manager | Purchasing Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PWPurchasingManager.jd.pdf | 373 | E2-8 |
Public Works | Facilities Project Manager | Facilities Project Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PWFacilitiesProjectManager.jd.pdf | 375 | E2-2 |
Finance | City Tax Representative | City Tax Representative | Accounting Technician | Union:231 | FNCityTaxRepresentative.jd.pdf | 376 | 8 |
Executive | Deputy Administrator | Deputy Administrator | N/A | Union:231 | EXDeputyAdministrator.jd.pdf | 380 | 6 |
Executive | Communications and Community Relations Director | Communications and Community Relations Director | N/A | 1937 | EXCommunicationsDirector.jd.pdf | 381 | 9 |
Planning and Community Development | Permitting System Business Analyst | Permitting System Business Analyst | Business System Analyst | E-Plan | PDPermitSystemBusinessAnalyst.jd.pdf | 382 | E-A-1 |
Public Works | Environmental Coordinator | Environmental Coordinator | N/A | E-Plan | PWNREnvironmentalCoord.jd.pdf | 383 | E2-14 |
Fire | Bellingham Fire Department Accounting Technician | Bellingham Fire Department Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:231 | FIAccountingTechnician.jd.pdf | 384 | 4 |
Public Works | Engineer II - Capital Projects | Engineer II - Capital Projects | N/A | Union:231 | PWEngineerII-Capital.jd.pdf | 389 | 5 |
Planning and Community Development | Planner I | Planner I | N/A | Union:1937 | PDPlanner1.jd.pdf | 390 | 9 |
Public Works | Property Specialist | Property Specialist | Natural Resources Program Technician I/II | Union:231 | PWNRPropertySpecialist.jd.pdf | 391 | 8 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Manager | Human Resources Manager | Union:231 | HRHumanResourcesManager.jd.pdf | 392 | 2 | |
Public Works | Construction Manager | Construction Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PWConstructionManager.jd.pdf | 393 | 11/12 |
Fire | Community Paramedic Captain | Community Paramedic Captain | EMS Captain | E-Plan | FICommParamedicCaptain.jd.pdf | 394 | E-16 |
Finance | Financial Systems Manager | Financial Systems Manager | N/A | Union:231 | FNFinancialSystemsManager.jd.pdf | 395 | 7 |
Fire | Fire Department Office Assistant | Fire Department Office Assistant | Office Assistant II | Union:106 | FIOfficeAssistant.pdf | 396 | S-32 |
Fire | Fire Administrative Secretary | Fire Administrative Secretary | Administrative Secretary | E-Plan | FIAdministrativeSecretaryjd.pdf | 397 | E2-11 |
Fire | Senior Fire Inspector | Senior Fire Inspector | Fire Inspector | Union:1937 | FISeniorFireInspector.jd.pdf | 400 | 6 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Ambassador | Park Ambassador | Security and Information Attendant | Union:1937 | PAParkAmbassador.jd.pdf | 401 | 9 |
Police | Police Department System Specialist | Police Department System Specialist | N/A | Union:106 | POPoliceDeptSystemSpec.jd.pdf | 402 | S-32 |
Public Works | ADA Coordinator | ADA Coordinator | N/A | Union:1937 | PWADACoordinator.jd.pdf | 404 | 4 |
Public Works | Aquatic Invasive Species Program Assistant | Aquatic Invasive Species Program Assistant | Program Assistant | Union:231 | PWNRAISProgramAssistant.pdf | 409 | 5 |
Information Technology Services | Information Technology Office Assistant | Information Technology Office Assistant | Office Assistant III | Union:231 | ITOfficeAssistantIII.jd.pdf | 410 | 5 |
Library | Head of Public Services | Head of Public Services | N/A | Union:231 | LIHeadPublicServices.jd.pdf | 454 | 7 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning Code Compliance Officer | Planning Code Compliance Officer | N/A | Union:1937 | PCDPlanningCodeComplianceOfficer.jd.pdf | 455 | 6 |
Police | What-Comm Technology Manager | What-Comm Technology Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | WCWhat-CommTechnologyManager.jd.pdf | 456 | 7 |
Public Works | Fleet Manager | Fleet Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PWFleetManager.jd.pdf | 458 | 6 |
Police | Police Technical Support Training Specialist | Police Technical Support Training Specialist | Technical Support/Training Specialist | Union:231 | POTSTS.jd.pdf | 459 | 3 |
Public Works | Cleanup Coordinator I-II | Cleanup Coordinator I-II | N/A | Union:231 | PWCleanupCoordinatorI-II.jd.pdf | 461 | 7 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning And Community Development Accounting Specialist | Planning And Community Development Accounting Specialist | Contract Accounting Specialist | Union:231 | PCDAccountingSpecialist.jd.pdf | 466 | 8 |
Public Works | Pollution Prevention Technician | Pollution Prevention Technician | Natural Resources Program Technician | Union:114 | PWNRPollutionPreventionTechnician.pdf | 467 | 14 |
Finance | Parking Services Representative | Parking Services Representative | Accounting Assistant II | Union:231 | FNParkingServicesRepresentative.jd.pdf | 470 | 3/5 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks and Recreation Office Assistant | Parks and Recreation Office Assistant | Office Assistant II | Union:1937 | PAParksandRecreationOfficeAssistant.pdf | 473 | 11 |
Finance | Finance Business System Analyst | Finance Business System Analyst | N/A | Union:1937 | FNFinanceBusinessSystemAnalyst.jd.pdf | 474 | 11/12 |
Municipal Court | Jail Alternatives & Diversion Manager | Jail Alternatives & Diversion Manager | N/A | Union:114 | MUJailAlt&DiversionMgr.jd.pdf | 476 | 7 |
Public Works | Environmental Mitigation Coordinator | Environmental Mitigation Coordinator | N/A | Union:1937 | PWNRMitigationCoord.jd.pdf | 478 | 6 |
Planning and Community Development | Rental Registration Clerk | Rental Registration Clerk | Office Assistant III | Union:231 | PCDDRentalRegistrationClerk.pdf | 479 | 4 |
Public Works | Asset Manager | Asset Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PWAssetManager.jd.pdf | 484 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Recreation Supervisor - Enrichment Programs & Special Events | Recreation Supervisor - Enrichment Programs & Special Events | N/A | Union:231 | PARecreationSupervisor-EnrichmentProgramsandSpecialEvents.pdf | 486 | 5 |
Parks and Recreation | Athletics Facility Supervisor | Athletics Facility Supervisor | N/A | Union:1937 | PAAthleticFacilitySupervisor.pdf | 487 | 7 |
Human Resources | Benefits Coordinator – Leave and Accommodations | Benefits Coordinator – Leave and Accommodations | N/A | E-Plan | HRBenefitsCoord-Leaves&Accom.jd.pdf | 488 | E2-11 |
Information Technology Services | ITNetworkAnalyst123 | ITNetworkAnalyst123 | N/A | Union:231 | ITNetworkAnalyst123.jd.pdf | 489 | 4 |
Human Resources | Payroll Technician | Payroll Technician | N/A | Union:231 | HRPayrollTechnician.jd.pdf | 490 | 3 |
Library | Supervisor of Public Services | Supervisor of Public Services | N/A | E-Plan | LISupervisorPublicServices.jd.pdf | 491 | E2-6 |
Library | Supervisor of Operations | Supervisor of Operations | N/A | Union:231 | LISupervisorOperations.jd.pdf | 492 | 3/5/7 |
Parks and Recreation | Athletic Facility Custodial Maintenance Worker 1 | Athletic Facility Custodial Maintenance Worker 1 | Custodial Maintenance Worker 1 | E-Plan | PAAthleticFacilityCustodialMaintWorker1.jd.pdf | 494 | E1-6 |
Executive | Climate Energy Manager | Climate Energy Manager | N/A | Union:231 | EXClimateEnergyManager.jd.pdf | 495 | 2 |
Finance | Budget and Finance Analyst | Budget and Finance Analyst | N/A | Union:231 | FNBudgetFinanceAnalyst.jd.pdf | 496 | 2 |
Library | Deputy Library Director | Deputy Library Director | N/A | Union:114 | LIDeputyLibraryDirector.jd.pdf | 497 | 4 |
Fire | Emergency Management Plans Coordinator | Emergency Management Plans Coordinator | N/A | E-Plan | FIEmergencyMgmtCoord.jd.pdf | 500 | E2-9 |
Library | Children's Services Librarian II | Children's Services Librarian II | Librarian II | E-Plan | LIChildren'sServicesLibrarian.jd.pdf | 501 | E2-6 |
Information Technology Services | Network Operations Manager | Network Operations Manager | N/A | E-Plan | ITNetworkOperationsManager.jd.pdf | 502 | E2-11 |
Information Technology Services | GIS Manager | GIS Manager | N/A | Union:231 | ITGISManager.jd.pdf | 505 | 5 |
Information Technology Services | Senior Applications Developer Analyst | Senior Applications Developer Analyst | N/A | Union:114L | ITSrApplicationsDeveloperAnalyst.jd.pdf | 506 | L-2 |
Information Technology Services | IT Senior GIS Analyst | IT Senior GIS Analyst | N/A | E-Plan | ITSrGISAnalyst.jd.pdf | 507 | 18 |
Parks and Recreation | Landscape Architect | Landscape Architect | N/A | Union:231 | PALandscapeArchitect.jd.pdf | 508 | 8 |
Planning and Community Development | Building Official | Building Official | N/A | Union:231 | PDBuildingOfficial.jd.pdf | 509 | 7 |
Planning and Community Development | Planner II | Planner II | N/A | Union:231 | PDPlanner2.jd.pdf | 510 | 6 |
Police | What-Comm GIS Analyst | What-Comm GIS Analyst | N/A | Union:231 | POWhat-CommGISAnalyst.jd.pdf | 511 | 6 |
Police | Police Records Manager | Police Records Manager | N/A | Union:231 | PORecordsBureauMgr.jd.pdf | 515 | 10 |
Public Works | Survey Services Coordinator | Survey Services Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | PWSurveyServicesCoordinator.jd.pdf | 518 | 4 |
Public Works | City Transportation Engineer | City Transportation Engineer | Union:231 | PWCityTransportationEngineer.jd.pdf | 520 | 3 | |
Public Works | Water Quality Specialist | Water Quality Specialist | N/A | Union:231 | PWWaterQualitySpecialist.jd.pdf | 521 | 7 |
Finance | Accountant I/II/III | Accountant I/II/III | N/A | Union:231 | FNAccountant123.pdf | 522 | 3 |
Public Works | Utility Operations Engineer | Utility Operations Engineer | N/A | Union:231 | PWUtilityOperationsEngineer.jd.pdf | 523 | 9 |
Planning and Community Development | Development Specialist II | Development Specialist II | N/A | Union:231 | PDDevelopmentSpecialist2.jd.pdf | 524 | 5 |
Planning and Community Development | Senior Planner | Senior Planner | N/A | Union:231 | PDSeniorPlanner.jd.pdf | 525 | 2/4/6 |
Fire | Volunteer Coordinator | Volunteer Coordinator | Fire Captain | Union:231 | FIVolunteerCoordinatorCapt.pdf | 526 | 6 |
Human Resources | Payroll Lead | Payroll Lead | N/A | Union:231 | HRPayrollLead.pdf | 527 | 4 |
Planning and Community Development | Development Specialist II - Housing and Homelessness | Development Specialist II - Housing and Homelessness | N/A | Union:231 | PDDevSpecialistIIHousingandHomelessness.jd.pdf | 528 | 7 |
Public Works | NPDES Coordinator | NPDES Coordinator | N/A | Union:106 | PWNRNPDESCoordinator.pdf | 529 | S-32 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Administrative Secretary | Parks Administrative Secretary | Administrative Secretary | E-Plan | PAAdministrativeSecretary.jd.pdf | 530 | E1-9 |
Legal | Assistant City Attorney, Senior | Assistant City Attorney, Senior | N/A | Union:231 | LEAsstCityAttorney-Senior.pdf | 531 | 4 |
Human Resources | Payroll Assistant | Payroll Assistant | N/A | Union:231 | HRPayrollAssistant.jd.pdf | 533 | 4 |
Library | Library Community Relations Specialist | Library Community Relations Specialist | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:1937 | LICommunityRelationsSpecialist.jd.pdf | 534 | 9 |
Public Works | Public Works Operations Administrative Secretary | Public Works Operations Administrative Secretary | Administrative Secretary | E-Plan | PWOperationsAdminSecretary.pdf | 536 | E2-14 |
Information Technology Services | Senior Information Security Analyst | Senior Information Security Analyst | N/A | E-Plan | ITInformationSrSecurityAnalyst.jd.pdf | 537 | E1-4 |
Finance | Finance Representative | Finance Representative | Accounting Assistant II | Union:1937 | FNFinanceRepresentative.jd.pdf | 538 | 10 |
Parks and Recreation | Recreation Coordinator/Athletics | Recreation Coordinator/Athletics | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:1937 | PAAthleticRecCoordAthletics.jd.pdf | 539 | 9 |
Finance | Finance Contract Specialist | Finance Contract Specialist | Contract Specialist | Union:231 | FNContractSpecialist.jd.pdf | 541 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Stewardship Supervisor | Park Stewardship Supervisor | N/A | Union:1937 | PAStewardshipSupervisor.pdf | 544 | 7 |
Public Works | Real Property Specialist | Real Property Specialist | Property Acquisition Specialist | Union:1937 | PWRealPropertySpecialist.jd.pdf | 545 | 10 |
Public Works | Sanitation and Solid Waste Manager | Sanitation and Solid Waste Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PWSolidWasteManager.jd.pdf | 548 | 11 |
Fire | Fire Permit and Addressing Technician | Fire Permit and Addressing Technician | N/A | Union:231 | FDLSDFirePermitAddressingTech.jd.pdf | 549 | 5 |
Human Resources | Diversity Equity and Inclusion HR Analyst | Diversity Equity and Inclusion HR Analyst | N/A | Union:1937 | HRDEIAnalyst.jd.pdf | 550 | 14 |
Human Resources | Benefits Specialist - Health & Welfare Programs | Benefits Specialist - Health & Welfare Programs | N/A | Union:231 | HRBenefitsSpecialist.jd.pdf | 551 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Contract Accounting Technician | Parks Contract Accounting Technician | Accounting Technician | Union:1937 | PAParksContractAccountingTech.jd.pdf | 552 | 11 |
Public Works | Fiber Optic Network Engineer | Fiber Optic Network Engineer | N/A | E-Plan | PWFiberOpticNetworkEngineer.jd.pdf | 553 | E2-6 |
Police | Public Information Officer - Communications and Outreach | Public Information Officer - Communications and Outreach | N/A | E-Plan | POPublicInformationOfficer.jd.pdf | 554 | E2-4 |
Public Works | Public Works Superintendent – Traffic/Parking/Fiber | Public Works Superintendent – Traffic/Parking/Fiber | N/A | Union:1937 | PWSuperintendentTrafficFiberParking.pdf | 555 | 9 |
Legal | Assistant City Attorney I/II | Assistant City Attorney I/II | N/A | Union:231 | LEAsstCityAttorneyI-II.jd.pdf | 556 | 6 |
Legal | Deputy City Attorney | Deputy City Attorney | N/A | Union:231 | LEDeputyCityAttorney.jd.pdf | 557 | 6 |
Legal | Legal Administrative Assistant | Legal Administrative Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | LELegalAdministrativeAssistant.jd.pdf | 558 | E2-13 |
Legal | Legal Assistant - Criminal | Legal Assistant - Criminal | N/A | E-Plan | LELegalAssistantCriminal.jd.pdf | 559 | E2-10/12 |
Legal | Paralegal & Claims Coordinator | Paralegal & Claims Coordinator | N/A | E-Plan | LEParalegalClaimsCoordinator.jd.pdf | 560 | E2-16 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Assistant | Human Resources Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | HRAssistant.jd.pdf | 561 | E1-9 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Analyst | Human Resources Analyst | N/A | E-Plan | HRAnalyst.pdf | 562 | E1-7 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Analyst – Selections & Recruitment | Human Resources Analyst – Selections & Recruitment | N/A | E-Plan | HRAnalystSelection.pdf | 563 | E1-11 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Generalist – Classification & Compensation | Human Resources Generalist – Classification & Compensation | N/A | E-Plan | HRGeneralistClassComp.pdf | 567 | E1-7 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Generalist – Selections & Recruitment | Human Resources Generalist – Selections & Recruitment | N/A | E-Plan | HRGeneralistSelections.pdf | 568 | E2-6 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Generalist – Recruitment & Classification | Human Resources Generalist – Recruitment & Classification | N/A | E-Plan | HRGeneralistSelections_Class_Comp.pdf | 569 | E2-6 |
Human Resources | Human Resources Office Assistant | Human Resources Office Assistant | N/A | E-Plan | HROfficeAssistant.pdf | 571 | E2-3 |
Public Works | Engineer-In-Training/Engineer I | Engineer-In-Training/Engineer I | N/A | E-Plan | PWEngineerEIT-I.pdf | 572 | E2-4 |
Planning and Community Development | Community & Economic Development Manager | Community & Economic Development Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PCDEconomicDevelopmentManager.jd.pdf | 573 | E2-4 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning Development Services Manager | Planning Development Services Manager | N/A | E-Plan | PDDevelopmentServicesManager.jd.pdf | 574 | E2-4 |
Public Works | Transportation Technician | Transportation Technician | Engineering Technician | E-Plan | PWTransportationTechnician.pdf | 575 | E1-5 |
Public Works | Parking Operations Supervisor | Parking Operations Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | PWSupervisor-ParkingOperations.pdf | 576 | 3/6 |
Public Works | Assistant Director of Public Works - Transportation | Assistant Director of Public Works - Transportation | N/A | E-Plan | PWAsstDirectorTransportation.jd.pdf | 577 | E2-15 |
Public Works | Plants Engineer | Plants Engineer | N/A | E-Plan | PWEngineerPlants.jd.pdf | 578 | E2-15 |
Library | Library Events Coordinator | Library Events Coordinator | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:1937 | LIEventCoordinator.jd.pdf | 579 | 11 |
Library | Library Staff Development Coordinator | Library Staff Development Coordinator | Education Programs and Activities Coordinator | Union:231 | LIStaffDevelopmentCoordinator.jd.pdf | 580 | 5 |
Public Works | Maintenance Supervisor – Traffic | Maintenance Supervisor – Traffic | N/A | E-Plan | PWMaintSuperTraffic.jd.pdf | 581 | E2-16 |
Public Works | Public Works Operations Office Assistant | Public Works Operations Office Assistant | Office Assistant III | Union:231 | PWOAIII.jd.pdf | 591 | 9 |
Finance | Mail Services Technician | Mail Services Technician | Mail Services Technician | Union:1937 | FNMailServicesTechnicianjd.pdf | 592 | 10 |
Information Technology Services | Mobile Systems Administrator | Mobile Systems Administrator | System Administrator | Union:1937 | ITTechnicalSvcsMobileAdministrator.jd.pdf | 593 | 10 |
Municipal Court | Accounting and Customer Service Court Clerk | Accounting and Customer Service Court Clerk | Court Clerk | Union:231 | MCAccountingCustomerServiceCourtClerk.pdf | 594 | 6 |
Parks and Recreation | Greenways Project Manager | Greenways Project Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PAGreenwaysProjectManager.jd.pdf | 595 | 7 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Improvements Supervisor | Park Improvements Supervisor | N/A | Union:1937 | PAParkImprovementsSupervisor.pdf | 596 | 4 |
Police | Communications and Public Engagement Manager | Communications and Public Engagement Manager | N/A | Union:1937 | PDCommunicationsMgr.jd.pdf | 597 | 17 |
Public Works | Utility Worker V- Stormwater Division | Utility Worker V- Stormwater Division | Utility Worker V | Union:1937 | PWStormwaterUtilityWorker5.pdf | 598 | 8 |
Library | Head of Operations | Head of Operations | N/A | Union:231 | LIHeadOperations.jd.pdf | 601 | 4 |
Information Technology Services | Technical Services Help Desk Supervisor | Technical Services Help Desk Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | ITTechnicalSvcsHelpDeskSupervisor.jd.pdf | 606 | 4 |
Information Technology Services | Technical Services Operations Supervisor | Technical Services Operations Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | ITTechnicalSvcsOperationsSupervisor.jd.pdf | 612 | 6 |
Information Technology Services | ITTechnicalServicesLibraryAnalyst | ITTechnicalServicesLibraryAnalyst | N/A | Union:1937 | ITTechnicalSvcsLibraryAnalyst.jd.pdf | 614 | 13 |
Planning and Community Development | Contract and Accounting Coordinator | Contract and Accounting Coordinator | N/A | Union:231 | PDContractAccountingCoordinator.jd.pdf | 617 | 6 |
Public Works | PWNRFieldManager.jd.doc | PWNRFieldManager.jd.pdf | 1937 | PWNRFieldManager.jd.pdf | 619 | 3 | |
Human Resources | Benefits Coordinator- Safety and Workers' Compensation | Benefits Coordinator- Safety and Workers' Compensation | N/A | 231 | HRBenefitsCoordinator-SafetyWorkersComp.jd.pdf | 620 | 5 |
Municipal Court | Court Services Manager - Community Therapeutic Courts | Court Services Manager - Community Therapeutic Courts | Union: 231 | MCCourtServicesManager-CommunityTherapeuticCourts.pdf | 621 | 6 | |
Planning and Community Development | Planning & Community Development Permit Technician | Planning & Community Development Permit Technician | Permit Technician | Union:231 | PCDPermitTechnician.jd.pdf | 623 | 7 |
Executive | Assistant Communications & Community Relations Director | Assistant Communications & Community Relations Director | N/A | Union:231 | EXAsstCommunicationsDirector.jd.pdf | 624 | 6 |
Police | Police Department Technology Manager | Police Department Technology Manager | N/A | Union:231 | POPoliceTechnologyManager.jd.pdf | 625 | 5 |
Finance | Purchasing Manager | Purchasing Manager | N/A | Union:231 | FNPurchasingManager.pdf | 627 | 4 |
City Council | Legislative Office Manager | Legislative Office Manager | N/A | Union:231 | CCLegislativeOfficeManager.jd.pdf | 628 | 7 |
Executive | Assistant Communications & Community Relations Director | Assistant Communications & Community Relations Director | N/A | E-Plan | EXAsstCommunicationsDirectorIntergovernmental.jd.pdf | 629 | E2-6 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning & Community Development Administrative Supervisor | Planning & Community Development Administrative Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | PCDDAdministrativeSupervisor.pdf | 631 | 7 |
Police | Police Department Systems Analyst | Police Department Systems Analyst | N/A | Union: 1937 | PoliceDeptSystemAnalyst.jd.pdf | 632 | 11 |
Planning and Community Development | Planning and Community Development Technical Aide | Planning and Community Development Technical Aide | Technical Aide | Union: 1937 | PCDTechnicalAide.pdf | 635 | 11 |
Public Works | Natural Resources Field Supervisor | Natural Resources Field Supervisor | N/A | E-Plan | PWNRFieldSupervisor.pdf | 637 | E2-9 |
Fire | Fire Accounting Assistant | Fire Accounting Assistant | Accounting Assistant III | Union:231 | FIAccountingAssistant.jd.pdf | 638 | 7 |
Planning and Community Development | Rental Protection Program Specialist | Rental Protection Program Specialist | N/A | Union:231 | PCDDRentalProtectionProgramSpecialist.pdf | 639 | 8 |
Parks and Recreation | Aquatics Recreation Supervisor | Aquatics Recreation Supervisor | N/A | E-Plan | PARecreationSupervisorAquatics.pdf | 640 | E2-7 |
Public Works | Public Works Safety Programs Specialist | Public Works Safety Programs Specialist | N/A | E-Plan | PWSafetyProgramsSpecialist.jd.pdf | 643 | E2-9 |
Executive | Strategic Initiatives Manager – Health & Human Services | Strategic Initiatives Manager – Health & Human Services | N/A | Union:231 | EXStrategicInitiativesManagerHHS.jd.pdf | 644 | 4 |
Public Works | Natural Resources Special Projects Manager | Natural Resources Special Projects Manager | Union:231 | PWNRSpecProjManager.jd.pdf | 645 | 4 | |
Information Technology Services | Enterprise Systems Architect | Enterprise Systems Architect | N/A | Union:231 | ITEnterpriseSystemArchitect.pdf | 646 | 4 |
Public Works | PW Construction Inspector | PW Construction Inspector | Construction Inspector | PWConstructionInspector.pdf | 647 | 3 | |
Legal | Legal Assistant - Criminal and Civil | Legal Assistant - Criminal and Civil | N/A | LEAssistantCriminalandCiviljd.pdf | 648 | 3 | |
Finance | Budget and Treasury Manager | Budget and Treasury Manager | N/A | FNBudgetandTreasuryManager.jd.pdf | 649 | 3 | |
Parks and Recreation | Parks Facilities - Field Supervisor | Parks Facilities - Field Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | PAParksFacilities-FieldSupervisor.pdf | 650 | 5 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Stewardship Coordinator | Park Stewardship Coordinator | Park Programs Coordinator | Union:1937 | PAParkStewardshipCoordinator.pdf | 652 | 8 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Volunteer Coordinator | Park Volunteer Coordinator | Park Programs Coordinator | Union:231 | PAParkVolunteerCoordinator.jd.pdf | 653 | 4 |
Public Works | Survey Technician | Survey Technician | Associate Engineering Technician | Union:231 | PWSurveyTechnician.jd.pdf | 655 | 4 |
Public Works | Custodial Maintenance Supervisor | Custodial Maintenance Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | PWCustodialMaintenanceSupervisor.pdf | 257 | 3 |
Finance | Records & Information Analyst | Records & Information Analyst | Union:231 | FNRecords&InformationAnalyst.jd.pdf | 656 | 4 | |
Public Works | Security Supervisor | Security Supervisor | N/A | Union:231 | PWSecuritySupervisor.jd.pdf | 657 | 5 |
Parks and Recreation | Park Construction Inspector | Park Construction Inspector | Construction Inspector | Union:1937 | PAConstructionInspector.jd.pdf | 660 | 12 |
Job Classifications
Pay and Salary Schedules
Labor Relations