Special City Council Meeting: Annual Lake Whatcom Joint Councils and Commissioners Meeting
Apr 2 (Wednesday) , 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
This is the annual joint legislative meeting of the Lake Whatcom Management Program and will include the Bellingham City Council, the Whatcom County Council, and the Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District Board of Commissioners. At the meeting, staff will review Lake Whatcom Management Program activities completed in 2024 and underway in 2025 to reduce phosphorus and other threats to Lake Whatcom. Participants will also be briefed on the results of the Lake Whatcom Monitoring Project Report from the Institute for Watershed Studies at Western Washington University and activities completed in the 2020-2024 Work Plan.
Councilmembers and Commissioners will participate in this meeting in-person in City Council Chambers, 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, or remotely through the Zoom platform. Members of the public may come to the meeting in person or watch remotely with this link. Council meetings are streamed live via the City’s website at meetings.cob.org and on the City’s YouTube channel. Meetings are broadcast in high definition on BTV on Comcast channel 321, and in standard definition on Comcast channel 10. Detailed information can be found five days prior to the meeting at cob.org/meetings. This is also where a video recording of the meeting will be posted within a few days of the meeting.
In-person participation
The meeting will take place in City Council Chambers at 210 Lottie Street.
In-person security measures: The City is piloting security measures to enhance public safety at Council meetings. All in-person attendees at the evening meeting will be required to undergo weapons screening before entering the Council Chambers. Please allow extra time to allow for this. Doors to City Hall will unlock at 6:00 p.m. To find out more about the new procedures, please visit our Security Screening web page.
Online participation
- Zoom link: cob.org/lwjcc
- Meeting ID: 880 0476 6584
- Password: 779350
- To dial in: +1 253 215 8782
Public comment
Community members are invited to provide comment during a 20-minute public comment period, which is planned for approximately 6:40 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Each speaker will be allocated two minutes to speak. Speakers can participate in person or on Zoom. Anyone wishing to provide public comment must register in advance. Speakers can sign up via an online form or with paper sign-up sheets that will be available outside the Council Chamber doors starting at 6 p.m. the evening of the meeting. The sign-up period (both online and in-person) closes at 6:30 p.m. Written comments can also be submitted by email to lakewhatcom@cob.org or by mail, addressed to: City Council, 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.