The Bellingham Police Department’s patrol officers are sworn to protect and serve, preserve the peace, and are a visible presence in our community. They are often the first contact community members have with our agency. Hundreds of years of collective police experience are in our ranks which allows our agency to maintain a high level of service to our residents and enable our agency to respond to emerging criminal trends.
Patrol is divided into two teams: Blue and Gold. Each team consists of four squads allowing for continuous police coverage in Bellingham. Patrol officers also serve on specialty units such as Crime Scene Investigation, Bike Patrol, K9, SWAT, and more.
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year patrol officers are working to deter crime and assist our community. Patrol officers are at the forefront of criminal investigations and serve as the backbone of our agency.
Officers strive to maintain the trust of our community as well as enhance the feelings of public safety in our city by doing their jobs in a professional, efficient, and diligent manner.