Our Mission Statement: Committed to Community.
When we look to the future of the Bellingham Police Department, we see an organization where:
(a) Employee and public safety is a priority.
(b) Employees and volunteers are highly trained, equipped with the latest technology, and
recognized for their performance.
(c) Adequate and dedicated funding is in place. We are fiscally responsible and efficient users
of the funds and resources entrusted to us by the public.
(d) Employees demonstrate professionalism, consistent with our mission statement and core
Core Values:
Respect: Value the people we serve, our fellow employees and the importance of law.
Integrity: Act with courage, honor, and truthfulness to uphold the trust of our citizens.
Innovation: Apply creative solutions in order to provide effective services.
Collaboration: Consider the views of all stakeholders when working together to achieve the
shared goals of our community.
Accountability: Demonstrate responsibility through our communications and actions.