Open Government Training

Training requirements

The Washington State Open Government Training Act (ESB 5964) requires public officials to receive open government training no later than 90 days after the member:

  • Takes the oath of office, if required to take an oath, or
  • Otherwise assumes their duties as a public official.

In addition, every member of the governing body must complete training every four years. Training may be completed at an in-person session or remotely with technology, including internet-based training.

Most appointed members of City boards, commissions and advisory committees also are required to receive this training. To ensure we follow all aspects of these requirements in all settings, the City of Bellingham requires the same training for all appointed members of advisory committees, commissions, and boards and the staff who support or serve as liaisons to those groups.

Several new changes related to the Open Public Meetings Act took effect in 2022. The resources below acknowledge those changes and note that some training materials have not been updated. Additional information about these changes available in this article posted by the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC).

Open Public Meetings Act Training (2022)

The training offered in the video below incorporates updates from the 2022 Legislative Session.

Additional Resources