City seeks input for new community park

Cordata neighborhood meeting scheduled for July 26

June 23, 2016 - by Jonathan Schilk, Bellingham Parks and Recreation

Bellingham Parks and Recreation is inviting the public to provide input for the master plan of a new community park in the Cordata neighborhood.  The meeting will be held July 26, 2016 from 6-8 PM at Birchwood Presbyterian Church, #3 Chapel, 400 Meadowbrook Ct, Bellingham.

This first of three public meetings will focus on presentation and discussion of two development concepts. Public input will help guide the selection of the preferred alternative, which will be presented at the second public meeting later in 2016.  Community parks may include features such as playgrounds, picnic facilities, trails, sport courts (such as basketball or pickleball), dog exercise area, restrooms, community building, open playfields and other activities as determined through a public master plan process. The type of amenities developed will depend on available funding and final master plan approval by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council.

The City acquired the new 20 acre park in 2015 with voter approved Greenways 3 Levy funds.   The park is located on the east side of Cordata Parkway between Stuart and Horton Roads, in the Cordata Neighborhood.

For more information or to sign up for future notices, please contact Jonathan Schilk at Parks and Recreation, or visit the Parks website.

Media Contact

Jonathan Schilk
Parks and Recreation Department

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