Bellingham Police traffic division determined earlier this week that no enforcement action will be taken in the fatality collision involving a bicyclist and a motor vehicle. The decision is based on the evidence gathered as well as statements by people who witnessed the collision.
On March 22, 2017 at 8:42 AM Bellingham police responded to a bicycle versus vehicle collision at Old Fairhaven Parkway and 30th Street. A 1998 Ford Ranger pick-up, driven by Dan Reedy, was eastbound on Old Fairhaven Parkway waiting to make a left turn onto northbound 30th Street. Reedy was facing a circular permissive green signal and had moved partially into the intersection to wait for westbound traffic to clear before turning left.
Westbound traffic stopped when the signal turned yellow. Shortly thereafter, the Ford began its left turn. At the same time bicyclist Eric Weight was westbound in the bicycle lane passing a long line of westbound traffic that had stopped for the signal. The signal for east and westbound traffic turned red while the Ford was traversing the intersection.
Weight entered the intersection on the red signal. He braked to avoid the Ford as the Ford braked to avoid him. Weight was ejected from his bicycle and struck the Ford. Both Reedy's and Weight's view of the approach of each other was obstructed by the line of westbound vehicles stopped for the signal.