On Friday January 13 Public works crews responded to a 1930's era, 12-inch water main break near Valencia and Fraser streets. Crews shut down the main at approximately 8:00pm and started repair and clean up efforts. Water was shut off on Valencia between Iowa and Frasier. With the current cold temperatures crews also used de-icer and salt to help manage freezing water on the roadway.
Main repairs and service restoration are expected to be completed by 2 am Saturday morning. Once the main is repaired crews will fill and flush the water mains. This process can result in discoloration or cloudiness of the water in the distribution system. Customers in the Roosevelt, Puget, Sunnyland or York neighborhoods might experience discolored or dirty water. If the water does not run clear after running a tap at full volume for a few minutes please call and report the discolored water to the Public Works 24 hour dispatch by calling (360) 778-7700. Crews will be working on Saturday to complete cleanup work and to respond to water quality concerns.