The public is invited to an open house on the proposed update to the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan (PRO Plan). Every six years the State Recreation and Conservation Office requires cities to update their PRO Plans to compete for grants.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is the steering committee for the update. Bellingham’s last major update was in 2014, with additional minor changes in 2016 as part of the larger update to the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
Bellingham Parks and Recreation Department staff will host the open house to get input on the plan’s key elements. Included are revised principles, goals and objectives, specific improvement priorities, trail recommendations, and new GIS-generated facility inventory and maps.
In June and July of this year, nearly 2,500 residents took the Parks & Recreation Community Survey. The results have been used to inform the process and generate recommendations.
As a docketed Comprehensive Plan amendment, this project requires legislative review by the Planning Commission and City Council. State of Washington deadline for completion and submittal of the updated plan is March 1, 2020.
For details and draft documents, see the project website.