Squalicum Creek Park awarded state grant

Bellingham Parks and Recreation awarded $350,000 Youth Athletic Facilities Grant

June 05, 2019 - by Nicole Oliver, Parks Development Manager

​Bellingham Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce the new state two-year capital budget includes $350,000 for the next phase of Squalicum Creek Park under the Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF) State grant program administered by the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO).

The City applied for the YAF grant for Squalicum Creek Park Phase 4 project which includes a multipurpose athletic field. The project proposal ranked 23 out of 51 in the statewide competition and the City was awarded $350,000 towards the estimated $850,000 total project cost. This the fourth of several phases in the Council adopted 2005 . This multi-year project is anticipated to be complete in 2021. Greenway levy funds will be used for the City's required match to the state grant to construct the master planned third and final regulation sized ball field/multipurpose field, as well as associated improvements in the park.

Squalicum Creek Park was purchased with a state grant in 2002 and initial development was partially funded with Olympic Pipeline settlement funds to honor the young boys who lost their lives in the tragic incident. The Park is a community-wide resource as well as an asset for Birchwood, Columbia and Cornwall Park neighborhoods. This project addresses the widespread need for functional athletic fields throughout the City.



Media Contact

​Nicole Oliver, Parks Development Manager
Parks and Recreation Department
(360) 778-7013

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