Whatcom Unified response to Governor’s ‘2-week’ order

Restrictions not unexpected, plans in development

March 23, 2020 - by Amy Cloud, Joint Information Center, Unified Command

​Like many of you, we heard Governor Jay Inslee’s news conference earlier tonight with a two-week “stay at home” order.

While not an unexpected action, it is significant and unprecedented in recent memory.  The Governor earlier ordered the closure of schools, bars and restaurants in order to reduce large gatherings – and reduce the spread of COVID-19 – this order is more specific.

We recognize that the expanded order to include more businesses and services may be alarming, especially for businesses newly affected. However, this is news that Unified Command has been expecting and – more importantly – been preparing for.

Our teams have been working hard to prepare information and provide a connection to resources for businesses and individuals that will be affected by this new order.

In the days to come, we will have information to share. For now, please check WhatcomCOVID.com or the Whatcom Unified Command COVID-19 Facebook page.  Another key resource is https://coronavirus.wa.gov/.​

Media Contact

​​Lt. Claudia Murphy
(360) 815-2701​

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