Master planning for a seven-acre neighborhood park in the Birchwood Neighborhood is now underway. The City is accepting feedback via Engage Bellingham on design options and a name for the park through June 26, 2022.
The park property is located at 2927 Maplewood Avenue. Two preliminary park master plan options for new park amenities are posted for feedback on Engage Bellingham.
“Currently this beautiful, hilled property, acquired with Greenways funds, includes social trails, a bridge over a creek, a pond and both meadow and forest areas that provide wildlife habitat and sanctuary,” said Nicole Oliver, Parks & Recreation Director.
The range of recreational opportunities at the new park will include ADA access to park facilities, accessible children’s playground, a park shelter, youth activity area(s), trail loop, site utilities and park amenities. Other potential park improvements may include a restroom facility, ½ court basketball court, food forest, on-site parking, interpretation and facility programming for local youth.
The initial project budget is $600,000, for park master planning and phase one design and construction, funded by Park Impact Fees. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin May 2023.