City issues reminder that fireworks are prohibited within Bellingham city limits

The City’s ban includes all fireworks, including those legally purchased elsewhere in Whatcom County.

June 28, 2023 - by Janice Keller, Communications Director

Public safety officials remind Bellingham residents and visitors that all consumer fireworks are prohibited in the City of Bellingham. This includes fountains, sparklers, smokeballs and ground-spinning fireworks commonly referred to as “safe and sane” fireworks, in addition to rockets, aerial missiles, roman candles and other projectile fireworks.

Education and enforcement activities, including evening emphasis patrols July 1-4, are planned this year to help ensure residents and visitors are aware of Bellingham’s fireworks ban.

Those who wish to enjoy fireworks are encouraged to attend public displays, such as the fireworks display over Bellingham Bay presented as part of the annual Fourth of July festival hosted by the Port of Bellingham and other partners. Other Independence Day 2023 event listings can be found on the Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism website at

The Bellingham City Council ordinance banning all consumer fireworks within the City limits includes any fireworks legally purchased at fireworks stands elsewhere in Whatcom County. Any person who violates the consumer fireworks ban will be subject to a civil infraction with a fine of up to $1,000. The minimum fine is $250. Law enforcement officials also have the authority to immediately seize fireworks that are located within the City.

Devices that some may refer to as “fireworks” are actually illegal explosive devices that cannot legally be possessed anywhere in the State of Washington. Examples of illegal explosives include M-80s, cherry bombs, and any improvised explosive device. Felony charges can be brought against people found guilty of possessing or discharging illegal explosives.

More details about current fireworks regulations are found in Bellingham Municipal Code 10.24.130.

Media Contact

Division Chief Shawn Linville
Fire Marshal
Bellingham Fire Department
(360) 778-8422

Fire Captain Dustin Michaelis
Public Information Officer
Bellingham Fire Department
(360) 778-8480

Lt. Claudia Murphy
Bellingham Police Department
(360) 778-8834


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