Bloedel Donovan beach temporarily closed due to sewage spill

Water quality testing underway, public advised to avoid contact

September 11, 2024 - by Riley Grant, Public Works Communications

A sewage spill occurred on September 11 at Lake Whatcom during construction work on the Electric Avenue bridge repair project.

At approximately 5:00 p.m., the contractor driving piles into the lake inadvertently struck an underground sewer line. Our technology had indicated the line was located in a different position, leading to the unexpected rupture. An estimated 25,000 to 50,000 gallons of raw sewage was released into the lake.

Swift action was taken to contain the spill and minimize its impact. The line was immediately shut off, and sewer service was redirected to an adjacent line, restoring service to the affected area.

As a precautionary measure, access to the beach at Bloedel Donovan Park remains temporarily closed until water quality testing confirms that there are no residual concerns. Community members, including dogs, should avoid contact with water in the areas near Bloedel Donovan Park until we can confirm water quality impacts. While we anticipate that the spill will dilute as it mixes with other waters, we are monitoring the situation closely to assess any potential downstream or ecological effects.

The City of Bellingham is closely monitoring the situation and working with the contractor and regulatory agencies to address the spill and ensure the safety of the public and the environment. Updates on the situation will be provided as more information becomes available.

Media Contact

Riley Grant
Communications Manager, Public Works 

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