City Council approves emergency landmark tree protections 

Looking up the side of a large evergreen tree.
To prevent the removal of exceptional trees in anticipation of new regulations, the Bellingham City Council enacted an Emergency Landmark Tree Ordinance on May 20, 2024. It took effect immediately upon approval. This ordinance protects trees that are considered "landmark trees" - the largest, most significant trees in Bellingham - establishes a landmark tree inventory and a permitting process for removal, and establishes a larger fine for illegal removal. 

Inside Bellingham: April 26, 2024

12 adults with reflective yellow vests stand in front of a white canopy that says Aquatic Invasive Species Inspection Station
New features at Cordata Park, city minimum wage, Nooksack Basin adjudication and more: a news roundup from the City of Bellingham

Inside Bellingham: April 12, 2024

Young adult smiling, standing in forest, holding blue bucket overflowing with weeds
New features at Cordata Park, city minimum wage, Nooksack Basin adjudication and more: a news roundup from the City of Bellingham