Bloedel Donovan Building Renovations, Electrification, and Stormwater Improvements


This project included the electrification of all buildings at Bloedel Donovan Park, as well as stormwater repairs, mechanical and electrical upgrades, and new roof at the community building. Natural gas systems have been decommissioned at the site.

Work also included the addition of electric vehicle charges stations.

Antiquated mechanical and electrical systems are inefficient and costly to maintain. Electrifying the buildings helps meet the climate action objectives of the City of Bellingham by removing natural gas building systems, reducing energy consumption, and eliminating building emissions. Installing new stormwater systems helps protect water quality in Lake Whatcom by controlling runoff and reduce flooding and erosion.


$900,000 of Greenways levy funds are budgeted for the community building roof replacement.

$385,000 of Second 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax funds are budgeted for the stormwater and electrical upgrades.


Project was completed in September 2024


Gina Gobo Austin, PE



Dawson Construction, Bellingham, WA

Participating Departments

Affected Neighborhoods