Project Overview
The project will construct a 12-ft multiuse path along the north/east side of the curved section of Meador Avenue and Lincoln Street through the I-5 undercrossing. The project will also include the installation of a traffic signal or compact roundabout at the intersection Lincoln Street and Fraser Street. Additionally, the project will include adding markings and signage to delineate a bike boulevard on James Streete and York Street that will connect Meador Avenue and Ellis Street.
Completing the Meador Ave/Lincoln Street Multimodal Improvements between James Street and Fraser Street will provide a vital low-stress bike and pedestrian crossing of I-5 due to the absence of a vehicular interchange within the project area. Overall, the completion of the project will improve the cross-town connection of the bike and pedestrian network and provide a low-stress and safer option for users to cross the I-5 corridor.

Project Status 2024
The project is currently in the design phase. Conceptual drawings of the multi-use path and the intersection improvements at Meador Avenue and Fraser Street were provided as part of the 2020-2021 Lincoln-Lakeway Multimodal Transportation Study and are currently being finalized. This project is included in the City’s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program.
Project Background
The project was conceptualized in the 2020-2021 Lincoln-Lakeway Multimodal Transportation Study and the project area was tied to various comments stating, “Bikeway Needed”. Lincoln-Lakeway Multimodal Transportation Study – City of Bellingham (
- Project design start or end date: 09/2025
- Contract awarded date (include project cost and contractor name): 12/2026
- Expected construction start date: 01/2027
- Expected construction end date: 07/2027
Dylan Casper
Transportation Planner