Baker Creek Habitat Restoration

The City of Bellingham completed a major stream restoration on Baker Creek in 2006. The Project area consists of a 0.75 acre parcel that was dedicated to the city for salmon habitat restoration work.

The City’s Stormwater Utility Culvert Replacement Program removed a barrier culvert from the downstream property in 2004, restoring access for anadromous salmonids. The in-stream restoration project involved reconfiguration of the stream channel to introduce meander bends and backwater habitats that will help attenuate flood flows. Large woody debris (LWD) structures were placed in the stream to redirect flow, improve bank stability, provide bank protection and regulate channel migration activity. The project also replaced extensive areas of invasive weeds with native trees and shrubs.

Baker Creek before and after construction
Baker Creek restoration site pre-construction (left) and after
channel reconfiguration and installation of LWD structures (right).

Baker Creek after bank erosion restoration
Bank erosion at Baker Creek restoration site, pre-construction (left);
looking from culvert, the same area after installation of large woody
debris to stabilize and protect the bank (right).

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Wildlife Habitat Assessment
City Restoration Sites
Lake Whatcom Restoration Sites
Washington Conservation Corps
Stream Sense Brochure
Invasive and Noxious Weeds
Water Quality
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