Searching for Housing?

Although the City does not provide direct services in terms of housing, we do partner with local agencies such as: Opportunity Council, Catholic Community Services, Lydia Place, DVSAS, NWYS, Kulshan Community Land Trust, Mercy Housing, YWCA, Bellingham Housing Authority, Sun Community Services, and others that you can contact directly. Most of the City contracts with these agencies are targeted to those people / families earning under 30% of the area median income (AMI), or under 50 or 60% of the AMI – see this handout for specifics on what income that translates to as it depends on your family size.

The Opportunity Council

This agency offers a variety of assistance and resources at They host the Whatcom Asset Building Coalition that offers housing information, have an online Whatcom County community resource guide, offer limited employment and job training assistance, offer resources to veteran households, provide assistance when possible to those who are at risk of eviction or experiencing homelessness through their Community Resource Center and host a “Housing Lab” which offers:

  • Housing needs assessment and meeting with a housing advocate
  • Assistance in searching for housing
  • Help with creating of renters portfolios and the development of letters of explanation
  • Provision of assistance with housing retention
  • Assistance in navigating tenant / landlord laws
  • Help with coordinating relocations
  • Mediation with roommates or landlords, when applicable

Catholic Community Services 

Catholic Housing Services has a number of affordable apartments in Bellingham that can be accessed through the links on this page.

Bellingham / Whatcom County Housing Authority

Visit their website at

Additional Resources
