The Barkley Neighborhood was created in 2010 as part of the northern neighborhood boundary review project. Approval of a number of large annexations caused several of the north-end neighborhoods to grow very large. Some residents asked the City to review the boundaries of the Mt. Baker, Guide Meridian/Cordata, Meridian and King Mountain Neighborhoods in 2009. As a result, the Mt. Baker Neighborhood was divided into two new neighborhoods in 2010, Irongate and Barkley.
The Barkley Neighborhood contains 814 acres located primarily south of Sunset Drive and north of the Roosevelt and Alabama Hill Neighborhoods. It has a mix of land uses, including a regional scale commercial development at the Sunset/I-5 interchange (Sunset Square). The focal point of the neighborhood however, is the Barkley Urban Village development located around the Woburn/Barkley Boulevard intersection. This development is one of the first urban villages to be built in the city. It includes a mix of industrial, retail, professional offices and residential development.
Residential development in the neighborhood was facilitated by the mid-1990’s construction of Barkley Boulevard from Britton Road to Orleans Street. This opened up the west-facing slope of Alabama Hill where a number of subdivision have been built. Barkley Boulevard is flanked by new homes with expansive city and bay views as it winds up Alabama Hill.
The existing character of the neighborhood, as well as the presence of open space areas, trails and view corridors continue to be valued by neighborhood residents. Careful consideration in developing zoning designations and in reviewing projects for zoning compliance should continue to emphasize and preserve these characteristics.
Neighborhood Plan (PDF)
Neighborhood Zoning Table
Aerial photo (1,038K PDF)
Basemap (780K PDF)
Circulation (1,011K PDF)
Comprehensive Plan land use (271 KPDF)
Current land use (3,952K PDF)
Zoning (288K PDF)