Transportation Reports on Annual Mobility (TRAM)

​​​​​​​Since 2006, the Transportation Report on Annual Concurrency (TRAC) has been the City’s annual assessment of transportation concurrency status on the citywide multimodal transportation network. In 2009, Bellingham adopted an innovative multimodal transportation concurrency program and since then, the TRAC has also documented the annual improvements to, and completeness of, Bellingham’s pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicle networks as well as recognizing that the multiuse Greenways trails provide a secondary transportation function in some parts of Bellingham. The TRAC has been evolving and serving as an annual report card for the multimodal transportation system and with the completion of the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan, the title is being changed to the Transportation Report on Annual Mobility (TRAM) to reflect the comprehensive examination it provides for each major transportation mode (Pedestrian, Bicycle, Transit, Automobile, and Freight Truck). In essence, the TRAM provides a progress report on how Bellingham provides mobility for people, goods, and services.

2023 TRAM in whole and by chapter:

TRAMs from previous years: 

​More Information

Please contact City Transportation Planner Chris Comeau for more information at or (360) 778-7946.