Coed Slow-Pitch Softball

Bellingham Parks & Recreation offers adult coed softball leagues which run in two leagues: One longer league in the spring/summer followed by a shorter league in the late summer/early fall. These leagues play at Geri fields and typically run on Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights. Captains will register their team ahead of the season and will request a divisional placement which they feel suits their team the best (Division 1 – most competitive, then Division 2, Division 3, etc.) Registration is on a first come first served basis.

Current League Schedules

League Documents

Current League Standings

Past League Results

Submit a Roster

Softball Pick Up List

Are you looking for a chance to play in our league but don’t have a full team? Register here for our pickup list to be contacted by a captain if they need another player! Note: all individuals who sign up for the pick-up list will also be added to our mailing list for future leagues and sporting events.