Indoor Volleyball (Women’s & Coed)

Bellingham Parks & Recreation offers indoor volleyball in the Fall/Winter & Spring! Fall league consists of 12 matches and begins in October ending in late February. For Fall league, teams are generally allotted two weeks of practices before matches start. Spring league is 6 matches beginning in March and ending in late April/early May.

In the Fall/Winter league, there are 4 nights of play. Women’s league plays on Mondays, and Coed league runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights at various Bellingham Public School gyms. In the Spring, there are only two nights of play. Women’s league plays on Mondays with Coed on Tuesdays.

Matches are generally scheduled for 6:15, 7:15 or 8:15pm. Each match consists of three sets, all played to 25. A teams scoring record at the end of the night is based upon number of sets won. Ex. A team will end each night of play with a record that tallies their total set win/loss record – Ex. Team A won one of their sets and lost the other two. Their record will be 1-2 for the evening.

Register your team ahead of the season on a first-come, first-served basis, and let the fun begin!

Current League Schedules

League Documents

Past League Results

Register Here!

Submit a Roster

Indoor Volleyball Pick-Up List

Are you looking for a chance to play in our league but don’t have a full team? Register here for our pick-up list to be contacted by a captain if they need another player! Note: All individuals who sign up for the pick-up list will also be added to our mailing list for future leagues and sporting events.