Park Fees

​Picnic Shelters

Cornwall Memorial Park
North Shelter
​75​$40 per hour
$400 per day
​12 tables, seats 72 water/lights/electricity/restrooms                                                  
Cornwall Memorial Park
South Shelter
32$30 per hour
$300 per day
8 tables, seats 32
Cordata Park
50​$40 per hour
$400 per day
12 tables, seats 50
Fairhaven Park
50​$35 per hour
$350 per day
​8 tables, seats 48

Lake Padden Park           
Rotary Shelter

​50​$35 per hour
$350 per day
​8 tables, seats 48
Lake Padden Park
Playground Shelter

​$35 per hour
$350 per day

​8 tables, seats 48
Squalicum Creek Park
​100​$40 per hour
$400 per day
​12 wheelchair accessible tables, seats 96, grill
Whatcom Falls Park
Large Shelter
​50​$35 per hour
$350 per day
​9 tables, seats 54
Whatcom Falls Park
Small Shelter
​25​$30 per hour
$300 per day
​4 tables, seats 24

Indoor Facilities

Bloedel Donovan 
​280​$80 per hour
$800 per day
​Gymnasium, kitchen (2 outlets), stove, refrigerator, 30 tables, 200 chairs, restrooms,
​Bloedel Donovan
​50​$50 per hour
$500 per day
​Kitchen, oven, refrigerator, 8 tables, 40 chairs; restroom, water/lights/electricity
Fairhaven Park
​50​$50 per hour
$500 per day
​Kitchen, oven, refrigerator, 10 tables, 50 chairs, restroom,
Cordata Park
72$75 per hour
$750 per day
​Kitchen, oven, refrigerator, 10 round, 12 six foot tables, 72 chairs, restroom,

Special Use Facilities

Boulevard Park
$40 per hour
$400 per day
​Elizabeth Park
​50$40 per hour 
$400 per day

​Gazebo w/electricity (capacity 50 people), Restrooms, On-Street Parking
Cordata Park
$40 per hour
$400 per day
Stage with electricity
Maritime Heritage Park

​$35 per hour
$350 per day

​Open Space
On-street parking only
Maritime Heritage Park
49$50 per hour
$500 per day
​Tables, chairs
Hourly staff fee may apply
​Fairhaven Village Green​600​$60 per hour
$600 per day

​Open Space

Fairhaven Library Auditorium​200*Limited hours/Days
​$35 per hour ($45/hour effective 1/1/2025)
$350 per day ($450 effective 1/1/2025)
​16 tables, 80 chairs, kitchen area with microwave, sink and refrigerator, water/lights/electricity/restrooms (on lower levels)
Hundred Acre Wood
Outdoor Classroom
24$30 per hour
$300 per day
Outdoor classroom with benches that seat 24 people, covered amphitheater
Woodstock Farm125$4,000 per dayFarm House, Barn, Garage, field space available for special events.

Other Fees

Special Request Fee​ $75 review fee per rental in addition to any other applicable fees​
Refund/Cancellation Fee:​$25 administrative fee​
Park Event Space Fee (field or trail – no facility)​$30 per hour, $300 per day
​Inflatable(s)$100 per piece in addition to hourly rental rate of facility reserved

​Alcohol Fee

Alcohol may be permitted with approved Special Request Form, Facility Use Agreement, Certificate of Insurance and WA State liquor license or permit at the following locations:

Indoor:  Depot Market Square, Woodstock Farm, Bloedel Donovan Park Pavilion and Multipurpose Room, Maritime Heritage Park Pavilion, Fairhaven Park Pavilion.

Outdoor:  Beer gardens may be approved through the Special Request process.


​Staff Availability Beyond Regular Work Hours​$100 per hour
Cleaning Fee$50 per hour

 Sport Fields 

Civ​ic FieldAmenities​​Fees
Athletic non-spectator: All age practices school groups (private schools, homeschoolers, before 3:00 pm weekdays)
1. Includes concourse restrooms, 2 locker room guarantee, goals and field markings, goal post pads, pit and other sport specific applicable prep.
Entire facility, field markings, down markers equipment, P.A. system, ticket booth, locker rooms, goals$75 per hour
Tier 1: Regular Season games and all youth sport leagues games and activities​Entire facility, field markings, down markers equipment, P.A. system, ticket booth, locker rooms, goals​$100 per hour
Tier 2: Playoffs/Double headers/back-to-back​Entire facility, field markings, down markers equipment, P.A. system, ticket booth, locker rooms, goals$125 per hour
Tier 3:
i. Contests involving 6 schools/teams or more
ii. Adult Sport Leagues
iii. Non-Scholastic Competitive and Special Events. Require Parks Special Request Form (ex: Ragnar, Brain Cancer Walks, Walk for Life/Relay for Life, Bed Races)
Entire facility, field markings, down markers equipment, P.A. system, ticket booth, locker rooms, goals$150 per hour
Tier 4: Group rentals, recurring private instruction and coaching, and private for-profit enterprise events (non-scholastic, non-club, non-organized sport. Examples: Company/organizational staff events, graduations, birthday parties, family reunions)Entire facility, field markings, down markers equipment, P.A. system, ticket booth, locker rooms, goals$200 per hour
​Lights​All events, as needed, to be determined by staff

​Game:  $65 per hour
Practice: $45 per hour

​Throwing Areas​Shot Put, Javelin, Discus​$30 per hour
Steeple Chase$200 per day
Pole Vault Pits$75 per hour
​Joe Martin Field​Amenities included​Fees
​Games​Entire facility, including initial prep and P.A. system​$150 per hour
​Practices​Field and bathrooms​$50 per hour
​Lights​$40 per hour

​Other Athletic Ball Fields
(excludes Civic Field & Joe Martin)

​Game Rate – per hour (includes initial field prep)

**Lights Billed Separately

Practice Rates – per hour
(includes field)

**Lights Billed Separately
​Baseball/Softball Tournament Fee​$500


Tournament Rate
Basketball​Lake Padden Park​$200 per day
Roosevelt Park$200 per day
Squalicum Park$200 per day
​Horseshoe​Cornwall Memorial Park​$200 per day
Pickleball​Cordata Park$480 per day
Cornwall Memorial Park​$720 per day
TennisLake Padden Park$100 per court per day
Whatcom Falls Park$100 per court per day
​Sand Volleyball​Bloedel Donovan Park​$200 per day (both courts)


Sports Practice Fields

Hourly Rate (1 hour minimum)
Cornwall Memorial Park North$8 per hour
Cornwall Memorial Park South$8 per hour
Lake Padden Park Cricket Pitch/Baseball Field$8 per hour
Roosevelt Park$8 per hour
Fairhaven Park – Lower Fields$8 per hour
Forest and Cedar Park​$8 per hour
Laurel Park$8 per hour
Sunnyland Memorial Park$8 per hour

Aquatic Center

​Pool Rentals​Hourly Rate
​Whole Facility with 1 – 200 swimmers​$250
​Instructional Pool (Beach)​$10
​Instructional Pool (Beach) with Waterslide​$150
​Dive Tank​$100
​Hydrotherapy Pool​$100
​Water Slide​$100
​Lap Lanes (5 lane minimum)​$20/Lane
Activity Fees
Single Admission10 Admissions3 MonthAnnual


Park Reservation Policies
Facility Rentals


​​Parks and Recreation
(360) 778-7000

All Parks Department Contacts
Online Registration and Facility Availability