
Alert systems are a useful tool that provide life safety warnings and alert citizens during emergencies and disasters. Various Local and national alert systems can keep you in the know about hazards nearby.

Local Alerts

Whatcom Unified AlertSense Messages

Whatcom County Website Alert Center

Port of Bellingham Website Alert Center

Radio Stations

NOAA Emergency radio:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also provides an all-hazards alert system which can be accessed using a weather alert radio:

Blaine, KAD 93 – 162.525

Puget Sound, WWG 24 – 162.425

Local Radio notifications:

 The following is a list of local radio stations that provide emergency notification services to the community:

KBAI – AM 930

KGMI – AM 790

KISM – FM 92.9

KPUG – AM 1170

ShakeAlert/ Myshake app

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ShakeAlert is an earthquake early warning system that sends out real-time warnings to users before impending ground shaking events.  In Washington, you can sign up for these alerts by downloading the Myshake app on your mobile device.  After signing up, alerts will be sent directly to your mobile device before impending earthquakes.  To research this program more, visit

FEMA Emergency Alert System

FEMA provides a national warning service that works to allow emergency announcements to be made on a variety of platforms minutes after a disaster event.  For more information on FEMA’s emergency alert system, visit

For information regarding accessibility of alerts for people with special needs, visit

Television Alerts

Comcast cable television subscribers will receive state-wide emergency alerts when tuned in to any channel.  For local emergency alerts, tune to BTV Bellingham.