An extensive system of pipelines in Whatcom County carry natural gas, petroleum, diesel, and other liquids. This interactive map, provided by the National Pipeline Mapping Service, shows the types of pipelines, their locations, and previous incidents regarding pipelines.
Notable Event: Olympic Pipeline Explosion
The Olympic Pipeline Explosion is the largest pipeline disaster in Bellingham’s history. On June 10, 1999, a line owned by Olympic Pipeline Company ruptured and over 230,000 gallons of gasoline spilled into Whatcom and Hanna Creeks. 3 children were killed and 8 other people were injured following ignition of the spilled oil. In memory of this incident, it is important to inform your entire family about how to stay safe around potential pipeline spills. The City of Bellingham and private pipeline companies have taken extensive action to be sure this mistake will not occur again. More information can be found here about the recovery and restoration efforts.
Call Before You Dig
Since many utilities and pipelines are underground, Washington State law requires residents to complete a utility check prior to beginning any digging projects. Call 811 or use the Call Before You Dig site to protect yourself, your family, and your community from a pipeline accident.