The City’s policy for crosswalks is to install crosswalks only where traffic is controlled by stop signs or traffic signals. The City will install crosswalks at intersections controlled by traffic signals, school route crossings adjacent to schools, and selected trail crossings. Extensive research has found that midblock-crossings offer a false sense of security for pedestrians. Drivers are not accustomed to having crosswalks at locations where they do not normally exist.
Stop Signs
A stop sign is one of our most valuable and effective traffic control devices when used at the right location and under the right conditions. There are certain warrants which must be met according to the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) that enable us to justify the installation of stop signs. These warrants consider sight distance, traffic volume, and the frequency of gaps that occur in traffic that allow for safe vehicle entry or pedestrian crossing. The MUTCD also maintains that stop signs are never used for speed control.
For more information, contact the Transportation Options Coordinator in the Public Works Department main office or Transportation Superintendent in the Public Works Operations Division.