a href="https://cob.org/events/">Events for Sep 22, 2023 - Sep 26, 2023 & Climate Action Week Events

Film Showing: The Engine Inside

The Engine Inside tells the stories of six everyday people from all over the globe who reveal the unique power of the bicycle to change lives and build a better world. Through their stories, the film uncovers the often-overlooked potential of this 200-year-old machine, exploring its impact on a wide range of global issues such ... Read more

Community Wildfire Resilience Night

In the face of increasing fire risk and impacts on the Westside of the Cascades, our community is hosting a wildfire resilience and education night at Structures Brewing on Holly Street. Doors open at 6 p.m. Starting at 7 p.m., there will be a small panel of local fire experts who are able to speak ... Read more

Health of our Endangered Southern Resident Orcas Presentation

Join Deborah Giles, Research Director at Wild Orca, and her scent detection dog, Eba, for an in-person presentation about their one-of-a-kind orca research methods. Learn how the Wild Orca research team monitors Southern Resident Killer Whales' health using the superpower of a dog’s nose to remain further away from the whales they monitor, making their ... Read more

Future Forests: A Walk in the Woods with RE Sources

Have you ever wondered if there are alternatives to clearcut logging? Can our forests produce wood products while still fostering biodiversity, forest health, and climate resilience? Join local forest policy expert Alexander Harris (RE Sources) on a hike through managed timberlands and mature forests to learn about the promises and challenges of "ecological forest management" ... Read more

Climate Action at WWU: A Walking Tour

Join a tour highlighting recent climate action initiatives on Western Washington University’s campus. Come along as we celebrate student leadership, operational innovations, curricular offerings, and bio-regional partnerships. We will end the tour with a short exercise that supports participants in imagining their next climate action steps based on elements that resonated from the tour.The tour ... Read more

Community Work Party at Harriet Spanel Park

Join Park Steward Mark and the York Neighborhood in removing weeds, mulching, and picking up litter to care for this awesome park. All ages and abilities welcome. Participants under age 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Tools, gloves, and instructions are provided. Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes.  We encourage you ... Read more

Ecotech Solar Seminar

Ever been curious about installing solar at your home or business? Join Ecotech Solar and the Community Food Co-op at one of three informational sessions where you can learn more about Inflation Reduction Act incentives as well as have any questions you have about the process answered. Sessions will be held in the Co-op's administrative ... Read more

Home Wildfire Preparedness Workshop

Wildfire risk is increasing in Western Washington. Join Whatcom Conservation District to learn how you can improve the wildfire safety of your home and property. This free event will discuss how homes ignite, walk through a wildfire risk assessment, and offer actions you can take to reduce your wildfire risk. Location Bellingham Hatchery in Whatcom ... Read more

Climate Action Week 2023 Closing Celebration

Click here for everything you need while at the event, including trivia, map, schedule, etc. The City of Bellingham is partnering with the Port of Bellingham and Kulshan Brewing Co. for a fun, all-ages celebration to conclude the City's annual Climate Action Week, a week of climate-themed events hosted by the Bellingham community. Join us ... Read more

E-Bike Demos

Curious about e-bikes? Stop by and take one for a spin at the Climate Action Week Closing Event.Many local vendors will be on-hand with a variety of bike styles. Riders can take an e-bike for a spin around the cycle track on the waterfront and up Chestnut Street. You won't believe how fun and easy ... Read more