The Bellingham City Council accepts feedback during their meetings in two different ways: during scheduled public hearings and during general public comment periods. Both opportunities are identified on published City Council agendas, available at
Council members also interact with and accept feedback from the public in many other ways, including online, via email and by telephone. For more information about communicating with City Council members, see City Council Contacts and City Council Guide.
Public Hearings
Public hearings are formal, scheduled opportunities to provide testimony about specific topics during City Council meetings. They are advertised in advance and listed on published City Council agendas. Agendas for each meeting also provide details about how to access a scheduled public hearing.
When speaking during a public hearing, testimony must be limited to the identified topic of the public hearing. Comments will be limited to three minutes each. Public hearing testimony may also be provided in writing.
To speak during a public hearing, sign-up is required. Sign-up sheets will be available outside the Council Chamber doors starting at 6:30 PM the evening of the meeting. Registration closes when the meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Please note: verbal comment on public hearings is currently available only to in-person attendees. The City may provide accommodation for individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in a public hearing, including virtual participation options. Please contact the Council Office at (360) 778-8200 or to request an accommodation no later than 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment is always welcome via e-mail, phone, or mail.
Public Comment Periods
The Bellingham City Council holds a general public comment period as part of each regular meeting agenda.
Members of the public have three minutes each to speak to Council members on topics of their choice. To speak during the Public Comment Session, sign-up is required. Sign-up sheets will be available outside the Council Chamber doors starting at 6:30 PM the evening of the meeting. Registration closes when the meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Please note: verbal public comment is currently available only to in-person attendees. The City may provide accommodation for individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in City Council’s public comment period, including virtual participation options. Please contact the Council Office at (360) 778-8200 or to request an accommodation no later than 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment is always welcome via e-mail, phone, or mail.
To view recordings of past public comment periods, visit the Public Comment Period Recordings page.