Members of the public are invited to provide feedback on the updated Greenways Strategic Plan at a public hearing scheduled during the regular meeting of the Bellingham City Council, 7 p.m. Monday, December 12, 2022.
In 2016, voters approved Bellingham’s fourth Greenways property tax levy, following similar ballot measures passed in 1990, 1997 and 2009. The draft plan provides direction on priorities for Greenways Levy funds and provides a road map for the future of the Greenways Program.
“The Greenways Program is one of the City’s finest legacies made possible by the strong public support of the people of Bellingham, and something for which we should all feel enormously proud,” Bellingham Mayor Seth Fleetwood said. “This is a solid and important plan, built carefully by our professional staff, Greenways Advisory Committee and others. It refines and updates strategic priorities that will help guide remaining levy funds and sets a road map for the next Greenways levy in 2023.”
Community members may attend the meeting in person or via remote to comment at the December 12 public hearing. Meeting materials and details for the Greenways Strategic Plan public hearing are available at Comments regarding this public hearing also are accepted online and by contacting the City Council Office at (360) 778-8200 or
The Greenways Advisory Committee has worked with Parks & Recreation Department staff and other stakeholders to update the 2022-2026 Greenways Strategic Plan and provide clarity regarding funding categories approved in the current Greenways Levy. The draft plan was approved by the Greenways Advisory Committee and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board.
The draft plan includes goals and objectives associated with each of the Greenways Levy 4 funding categories: Acquisition, Development and Maintenance. It also provides additional detail on project priorities, shown in a series of maps and graphics, that are focused on contiguous connections within open space corridors and between parks.
The draft plan and related documents can be viewed on the Greenways Strategic Plan webpage.