Bellingham Police address stay-at-home order violations April 1, 2020March 31, 2020 Police focus on education as first step for potential individual, business violations
Mayor suspends enforcement of plastic bag ban April 1, 2020March 31, 2020 Mayor responds to request out of concern for cashiers and shoppers
Most construction activities required to stop March 27, 2020March 27, 2020 Governor’s proclamation deems nearly all construction as non-essential
Finance Cashier Office to close March 10, 2021March 26, 2020 Online, drop box, and over the telephone payments still accepted
Whatcom Unified Command Supports Community Partnerships March 25, 2020 Response to increased need at Shuksan Healthcare Center
City Closes Playgrounds, Sports Fields, Fenced Dog Areas, Bike Parks, Disc Golf Course and Skate Park to Reduce COVID-19 Spread July 28, 2023March 24, 2020 Parks and Trails Remain Open with Reduced Parking