Boulevard Park Sewer Improvements

This project will replace two aging and failing sewer pump stations at the park. These stations serve the public restrooms and the building leased to a commercial tenant.

Post Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

The City strives to provide appropriate, safe, reliable sewer service at a fair, reasonable price while protecting and preserving the environment. As the plant reaches capacity for both load (arrives in the wastewater) and flow (the quantity of wastewater

2013 Sewer Rehabilitation

The 2013 Sewer Main Replacement Program is part of an annual program to replace, repair, and improve the City’s sewer system to extend the useful life of the existing system by 40 years or more.

2013 Water Replacement Program

2013 Water Main Replacement project is part of an annual program to replace aging water mains that are at the end of their lifecycle & require upgrades. Lindbergh Ave by Nequalicum Ave; E Magnolia, State St to Ellis St & Northwest Ave to Larrabee Rd

Corwall Avenue CSO Improvements

This project proposes to install rain gardens for stormwater inflitration at the intersection of Cornwall Ave and Maple St. The existing stormwater catch basins at the intersection are connected to the sewer system because there is not stormwater piping.

Central Basin Sewer Inflow and Infiltration

The Central Basin Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Project is designed as a pilot project to study I&I contributions and evaluate techniques and cost for rehabilitation of the sewer system. Neighborhood: Sunnyland