Bear Creek Open Space

This project will improve access to Bear Creek Open Space by surfacing existing trails with top course and developing a parking area and trailhead, additional trails, and signage. This beautiful 100-acre open space area is located between Northwest Drive and Aldrich Road and was purchased with Greenways levy funds through two purchases – approximately 80 acres in 2009 and an additional 20 acres in 2022. The site is mostly level with a mix of meadow and forested wetlands and contains a portion of East Bear Creek.

Future phases may include developing multimodal trail connections east to Aldrich Road to connect Bear Creek Open Space with Julianna and Cordata Parks, as identified in the City’s Parks Recreation and Open Space Plan and Greenways Strategic Plan.


Greenways levy



Site reconnaissance and preliminary planning are underway. Design is anticipated to begin spring of 2024 pending consultant selection.



  • Parks & Recreation Department: (360) 778-7000
  • Laine Potter, Design and Development Manager –         
  • Paul Knippel, Greenways Project Manager – 

Participating Departments

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