A Master Plan for the Chuckanut Community Forest, commonly known as Hundred Acre Wood, and the adjacent Interurban Greenway trails and open space in southern Bellingham, is complete. The Master Plan creates a dynamic, long-lasting plan that sets priorities and strategies to guide the future of the forest, trails, and open space. The Chuckanut Community Forest holds great significance for the natural ecosystems in and around Bellingham as well as providing unique recreational and educational opportunities for the public.
Following the acquisition of 82 acres by the Greenways Program, a conservation easement between the Chuckanut Community Forest Park District and the City of Bellingham was established. The conservation easement is intended to protect the property in perpetuity and ensure that any future recreational enhancements or educational elements of the park do not negatively impact the unique environmental features or conservation values.
A steering committee was established and includes representatives from surrounding neighborhoods and recreational user groups, Park District board members, Park Board members, and City staff. This committee discussed key topics, reviews public input, and decides on the eventual contents of the Master Plan. In addition to the steering committee, a variety of opportunities for public input throughout the planning period, including:
- An online community survey (August 5-September 15, 2021)
- Community led on-site survey and data gathering (Oct. 9 and 11, 2021)
- Engage Bellingham online updates and engagement
- A live online Open House (March 16, 2022)
- An Open House follow up survey (March 18-April 1, 2022)
- Public Hearing at City Council (August 29, 2022)
The public input informed key components of the master planning process, such as the formal naming, allowed uses, and the goals and strategies. This resulted in the development of a master plan that was presented to the Greenways Advisory Committee on June 2, 2022 and again on June 30, 2022. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviewed the document in July, and a final draft went to City County for a public hearing in August 2022.
The Master Plan aligns with the City’s 2020 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan (PRO Plan). Most notably, Goal 4 of the PRO Plan aims to preserve and integrate nature, natural systems, and ecological principles throughout the City’s Park system (City of Bellingham, 2020). The Plan defines clear priorities and serves as a reference for future improvements and projects planned within the Hundred Acre Wood.
The Master Plan was approved on September 12, 2022.
- Final Hundred Acre Wood Master Plan – 09/12/2022
- Draft Hundred Acre Wood Master Plan, Clean – 08/12/2022
- Draft Hundred Acre Wood Master Plan, Clean – 07/26/2022
- Greenways Advisory Committee recommended approval of the draft plan on 6/30
- DRAFT Master Plan – 06/29/2022
- We received over 700 responses from the community regarding the boundary and official name of the planning area, access preferences, and current and future uses. The results of the Engage Bellingham public survey can be found here.
- Stewardship Plan (Chuckanut Community Forest Park District)
- Chuckanut Community Forest Baseline Documentation Report
- Chuckanut Community Forest Conservation Easement
- Chuckanut Community Forest Interlocal Agreement
- Steering Committee Roster
- Chuckanut Community Forest Master Plan Presentation
- Whatcom Land Trust Conservation Easement
Parks & Recreation Department: (360) 778-7000
Nicole Oliver, Parks and Recreation Director,
Laine Potter, Design and Development Manager,