Project Overview
The Telegraph Road Multimodal Improvements Project (ES537) will upgrade and rehabilitate the Telegraph Road corridor from Deemer Road to James Street to improve safety and connectivity for all users, including pedestrians, bicycles, transit and motor vehicles. The existing narrow rural road has limited, sub-standard pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Portions of the project corridor have seen increased transit use since WTA began routing the Gold GO line with 15-minute service through this corridor. This multimodal improvement project will reconstruct this corridor to a complete urban street, with typical amenities of multimodal features and services including:
- Sidewalks
- Streetlights
- Curbs
- Gutters
- Bike lanes
- Pedestrian-activated flashing crosswalks
- Intersection traffic signals
- Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) bus stops
- Traffic channelization
Project Status – November 2024
Construction is nearing completion with the stoplights in place at Deemer and James Streets. Completion of the concrete vehicle barrier and pedestrian guardrail on top are yet to be completed and should be in place by the end of the year. There should be limited disruption to traffic.
The project construction cost is estimated at $6,100,000. Funding will come from Transportation Benefit District No. 1, Real Estate Excise Taxes, Transportation Impact Fees, a contribution from WTA, and federal funding via a Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG).
Craig Mueller, Project Engineer
Phone: (360) 778-7922