Multimodal Transportation Impact Fees (TIF)

​​State law (RCW 82.02) allows cities to assess multimodal TIFs for new development to collect a proportional share of the cost of City investment in multimodal transportation system improvements. Bellingham has been assessing TIFs for new development since 1994 (BMC 19.06). The multimodal TIF base rate changes each year based on the amount of funding invested in construction of the citywide multimodal transportation system during the previous six years and the funding programmed for investment in the current Six-Year TIP. Transportation planners calculate multimodal TIFs based on project-specific transportation impacts.​

Urban Village TIF Reduction Program​​

In 2010, Public Works transportation planners created the Urban Village TIF Reduction Program to provide regulatory incentives for more sustainable development. The Bellingham City Council adopted the Urban Village TIF Reduction Program in February 2011 to further promote comprehensive plan goals for mixed use urban infill, multimodal transportation, and financial incentives for new development in designated Urban Villages.


Planning & Community Development