Scudder Pond Preserve

At the northwesterly edge of Lake Whatcom, shore land plants including Cattails, Sedge, and Lily Pads cover a region of ponds and wetlands. This area, known as Scudder Pond, attracts a diversity of migratory and breeding birds, mammals and aquatic wildlife. For almost 30 years the two acre tract has been held as a nature preserve by the North Cascades Audubon Society, but in December of 2014, it was generously donated to the City of Bellingham to be included in the City’s ongoing program to protect the waters and habitat of the Lake Whatcom Watershed.

It is rather unusual that a nature preserve is so intimately located in the heart of an urban area. In this case, Scudder Pond is adjacent to Whatcom Falls Park, just south of Alabama Street and west of Electric Avenue and Lake Whatcom, making the preserve an easily accessible retreat for all. Additionally it provides another link to the City’s existing assembly of protected areas affecting the watershed.

Widely recognized as a local wildlife sanctuary, Scudder Pond is an official stop on the Great Washington State Birding Trail. On a quiet walk along established nature trails, it is possible to observe a variety of plants and animals that change with the seasons. They can range from migratory waterfowl, including, Teal, Mallard ducks, swans, Red-winged Blackbirds, Buffleheads, Black-crowned Night-Herons and Great Blue Herons; to birds of prey, and wary wetland creatures such as beaver, raccoon or muskrat.

With compliments to the previous owners, the O.C. Scudder family, and subsequently the Audubon Society, the intent to maintain this sensitive area as a wildlife preserve, was passed on to the City of Bellingham. The nature preserve, its special inhabitants and the community, including Lake Whatcom, will benefit from permanent and legislated protection.​

Total Acres

  • 2.7 acres

Scudder Pond Habitat Survey

Learn about the management recommendations for protecting and improving habitat conditions in Scudder Pond in the 2020 Scudder Pond Habitat Survey.

