The Bellingham Comprehensive Plan is the community’s vision and roadmap for future growth and development. Fulfilling the Growth Management Act’s requirement for a mandatory periodic update every eight years, the 2016 Comprehensive Plan includes a future land use map, six-year capital improvement program, and goals and policies for eight elements: land use; community design; housing; multimodal transportation; economic development; the environment; parks, recreation and open space; and capital facilities and utilities. It establishes the basis for the City’s zoning and development regulations and guides decision-making by City leaders.
Annual Docket
The Growth Management Act (GMA) limits amendments to the comprehensive plan, which includes neighborhood plans, to once a year. All amendment requests must be submitted to the Planning Department by April 1st of each year so that they can be considered for the annual docket.
Due to the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) the April 1, 2020 deadline for submitting docket proposals for the 2020-21 comprehensive plan amendment review process has been extended to September 30, 2020.