Alabama Hill Neighborhood

Alabama Hill is predominantly a residential neighborhood with single-family houses built during the 1960s and 1970s. According to the 2000 census, the neighborhood is home to about 3,000 people. The approximately 1,200 housing units in the neighborhood are predominantly of contemporary design and oriented toward views of the bay and city. Broad, curved streets, cul-de-sacs, limited access to arterial streets, and  7,200 square foot lots with a two/one depth/width ratio are common features in the neighborhood.

Whatcom Falls Park at the south end of Alabama Hill provides a wide range of active recreation opportunities in this neighborhood. St. Clair Park and Highland Heights Park are neighborhood parks with recreation facilities primarily for grade school children. The Railroad Trail provides a multi-use trail and greenway corridor with a safe overpass of Alabama Street and connection to Whatcom Creek Trail.



Neighborhood Plan (PDF)
Neighborhood Zoning Table


Aerial photo (1,037K PDF)
Basemap (3,638K PDF)
Circulation (788K PDF)
Comprehensive Plan land use (203K PDF)
Current land use (1,677K PDF)
Zoning (207K PDF)



Planning & Community Development