Students will climb up independently from chest deep water.
Submerge Entire Head – 5 Seconds
Students will stay underwater comfortably for 5 seconds.
Bobbing – 5 Times
Students will exhale while submerged and inhale when they are above water.
The bobs need to be in a continuous rhythmic pattern.
Recover an Item
Students must recover a submerged object with eyes open underwater at least two times.
Front Float & Recovery – 5 Seconds
Students must show comfort as they remain in a front float position with face in the water.
Students must recover from a front float to a standing position.
Jellyfish Float – 5 Seconds
Students will float in a face down position with arms and legs relaxed.
Tuck Float – 5 Seconds
Students will bring their knees to their chest and hold their legs. The face must be in the water.
Front Glide – 2 Body Lengths
Students must be in a streamlined position with their face in the water.
Back Float and Recovery – 15 Seconds
Students must show comfort as they remain in a back float position.
Students must recover from a back float to a standing position.
Back Glide – 2 Body Lengths
Students must be in a streamlined position.
Roll Over
Students roll over from front to back.
Students roll over from back to front.
Change Direction
Students must change direction of travel while paddling on front or back.
Treading Water – 15 Seconds
Students will explore different arm and leg movements in shoulder deep water.
Swim on Front – 5 Body Lengths
Students must propel themselves through the water using any combination of alternating or simultaneous arms and legs.
Student’s body must be at less than a 45 degree angle.
Finning Arm Action on Back – 5 Body Lengths
Students will explore finning arms and propel themselves through the water.
Swim on Back – 5 Body Lengths
Students must propel themselves through the water using any combination of alternating or simultaneous arms and legs.
Student’s body must be at less than a 45 degree angle.
Discuss Personal Water Safety
Staying Safe Around Aquatic Environments
Too Much Sun is No Fun
Don’t Just Pack It, Wear your Jacket – Demonstrate proper fitting and wearing of a life jacket
Look Before you Leap
Think So You Don’t Stink
Recognizing an Emergency
How to Call for Help
Reach of Throw, Don’t Go
Exit Skill I
Students will step from side into chest deep water, move into a front float for 5 seconds, roll over to a back float for 5 seconds, return to standing position.
Exit Skill II
Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to front then recover to a vertical position.
Exit Skill III
Students will push off and swim using combined arm and leg actions for 5 body lengths on the front, roll to back for 15 seconds, roll to the front then continue swimming for 5 body lengths.