Students will start on the edge of the pool with feet shoulder width apart.
They will flex their hips and knees so their back is parallel to the pool deck.
They will swing their arms back and upwards, letting the heels rise and body start to move forward.
When the arms reach the farthest point back, they will immediately swing the arms forward and will extend their legs so their line of flight is almost parallel with the surface.
During the flight, drop the head slightly and then enter the water at roughly a 45-degree angle.
They should keep their body fully extended while gliding underwater.
Shallow Dive, Glide and then Swim
Students will dive (see above), glide and then may swim crawl stroke, breaststroke, or butterfly.
Tuck and Pike Surface Dive
Students should gain momentum prior to starting the dive.
For the tuck the body should roll into a tuck position as it rotates forward and then kick straight up when the hands are pointed to the bottom.
For the pike surface dive the student should bend at the hips with straight legs as they reach for the bottom and then fling their legs in to the air driving them down.
For both surface dives, the head should be squeezed between the arms as they submerge.
Flip Turn on Front
Students will swim crawl stroke to the wall and tuck their chin and use a dolphin kick to somersault them over.
Then they will need to press off the wall in a streamline position and roll back onto their front.
They should kick and glide until they surface and then begin their crawl stroke again.
The motion in the turn must be continuous.
Flip Turn on Back
Students will approach the wall and will roll over when they are one stroke from the wall.
Then perform the front flip turn.
After pushing off from the wall they should remain on their back and may kick to the surface and then resume their backstroke.
The motion in the turn must be continuous.
Treading Water – 5 Minutes
Students will use sculling arms and one of the following kicks: a modified scissors, breaststroke, or rotary kick.
The head must stay above the water.
Front Crawl 50 Yards
The body is nearly horizontal with a fluid body roll.
Arms must recover above water with bent elbows.
The hands must enter above the head with the fingertips first and then stretch out with the body roll.
The arms must bend during the power phase.
The arms must finish fully extended.
Flutter kick must be continuous and use a 2, 4, or 6 beat kick.
Students must use good side-breathing with bilateral breathing preferred.
Breaststroke 25 Yards
The body must be 15 degrees or less during the glide.
The hands must begin an outward scull at or narrower then the shoulder width.
The hands should not sweep beyond the upper chest.
The legs must bend simultaneously and the knees do not separate beyond the width of the hips.
The toes must flex down and out.
The stroke sequence must be pull, breath, kick and glide.
Butterfly 25 Yards
The body may be up to 15 degrees from the surface.
The arms must recover above the water with straight arms that enter at shoulder width.
The arms should trace out a basic “keyhole” pattern during the mid pull.
The arms should finish down by the waist.
The legs may separate slightly at knees with minimal flutter kick, single action kick acceptable.
The stroke must have the basic form.
Back Crawl 25 Yards
The body must be 15 degrees or less in angle with only an occasional side to side motion of trunk and legs.
The arms must recover above the water.
The hands must enter above the head, little finger first.
The arms must bend during the power phase.
The arms must finish at the hips.
The flutter kick must be continuous and a moderate splash is acceptable.
Elementary Backstroke 50 Yards
The body is nearly horizontal with chin up and ears in water.
The hands remain underwater through the stroke.
The arms extend at roughly 3 and 9 o’clock.
The power phase ends beyond hip level.
The legs must bend simultaneously and the knees do not separate beyond the width of the hips.
The toes must flex up and out.
The breathing must be in a relaxed rhythmic pattern.
There needs to be an extended glide.
Sidestroke – 25 Yards
The body must be 30 degrees or less from surface.
The both arms may occasionally break the surface.
The lead arm elbow may be straight during catch phase.
The trailing arm elbow must stay close to the body throughout the stroke.
Must have a scissors kick, legs may separate slightly as knees bend in recovery, legs may be held loosely together during glide.
Any type of foot and ankle position is acceptable.
Must have rhythmic breathing pattern.
Exit Skill I
Students will perform a shallow angle dive into deep water, swim front crawl for 50 yards and swim elementary backstroke for 50 yards.
Exit Skill II
Students must swim breaststroke 25 yards and swim back crawl for 25 yards.