The Public Works Department maintains a water distribution system of approximately 431 miles of watermain lines ranging in size from 66 inches down to 2 inches and composed of concrete, ductile iron, cast iron, steel, brass, fiberglass, PVC and AC. Storage within the distribution system is provided by 13 reservoirs with a total capacity of 29,375,000 gallons. Elevation within the distribution system range from sea level to approximately 780 feet. Twelve pump stations with a total of 51 pumps are utilized to maintain system pressure in 12 service zones. There are approximately 27,000 active water services within the city water distribution system.
Water division staff are available 24/7 and respond to thousands of service requests every year including:
- Utility damage repairs- watermain breaks and leak repairs.
- Water quality complaints (discolored, odor and taste)
- Water pressure complaints
- Utility locating service for all public utilities
- Leak investigations
- Emergency and non-emergency shut off and turn on of water services.
To make a service request, please use SeeClickFix for non-urgent issues, or call (360) 778-7700 for urgent issues.
More Information
For questions about water maintenance, email or call 360-778-7700.