City Council Chambers
Lottie Street, Bellingham, Washington, United States
Evening meetings of the full Council start at 7:00 PM unless otherwise announced; Daytime Committee meeting schedule is released the Wednesday before the meeting date. More information, including opportunities for viewing meetings and public participation, can be found at five days prior to the meeting.
Bloedel Gymnasium/Multipurpose Room
2214 Electric Ave, Bellingham, Washington, United States
Dance with us every third Monday of the month! Bellingham Parks and Recreation and the Max Higbee Center will host SPIN Dances for individuals with disabilities. Everyone 14 and older is invited to dance with us!
The Design Review Board (DRB) advises the Planning and Community Development Director and Staff on proposed development projects. Participation Options Meetings can be attended either in-person at City Hall (210 Lottie Street), or virtually via Zoom Webinar (Meeting ID: 933 8224 5585 / Password: 9) Registration via is required to attend the meeting via Zoom or to ... Read more
Bellingham Public Library - Central
210 Central Ave, Bellingham, Washington, United States
The Bellingham Public Library Board of Trustees typically holds regular public meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Occasionally the meeting time, date and location varies or special meetings are scheduled. The meeting will be conducted in the Central Library Lecture Room.
The Bellingham Plan will be our guide as we prepare for the future. How do you want us to address important topics, such as housing, transportation, and climate resilience. Make your voice heard during our open house events. Housing affordability was the top issue identified by the community at the start of the Bellingham Plan ... Read more
The Sister Cities Advisory Board advises the Mayor and all involved city departments concerning the establishment and maintenance of sister city relationships between the City of Bellingham and cities of other countries. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in person as well as online via Zoom. Please see the Bellingham ... Read more
The purpose of the Water Resources Advisory Board (WRAB) is to help inform and guide the City’s planning and policy regarding the protection and management of water resources, including municipal water, sewer, surface and stormwater systems, controls, rates, and drinking water source protection. Meetings take place in person at the Pacific Street Operations Center (2221 ... Read more
Location: Mayor's Board Room at Bellingham City Hall or via Zoom Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Commission (MNAC) meeting agendas and other information available on the Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Commission page. The meeting will be held in-person in the Mayor's Board Room, 2nd floor of Bellingham City Hall, with an option for appointed members and the public ... Read more
Join the more than 1 billion people worldwide who celebrate Earth Day each year! Below is a list of family-friendly activities offered by the City of Bellingham in celebration of our planet. Earth Day is Monday, April 22.
On-site meeting location will be at City Hall, 210 Lottie Street, in the Parks & Recreation Administrative Suite, 2nd floor. Or join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 871 2564 3013Passcode: 290138 Dial by your location• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)• +1 253 205 0468 US