Funding is on the way for two City of Bellingham’s traffic safety projects, while planning is underway for future transportation projects citywide.
The City’s next Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), with prioritized projects for the next six years, begins its public process on Monday, May 3, when the draft TIP is published on the City’s Transportation Planning webpage.
Bellingham Council and members of the public are invited to review the draft 2022-2027 TIP as soon as it is available on May 3. There will be several weeks for review and comment – including from the public, by the Transportation Commission and via a public hearing at City Council on May 24. Bellingham City Council is scheduled to vote on the proposed 2022-2027 TIP at its meeting on June 7. Cities are required by RCW.35.77.010 to submit the six-year TIP to the state by July 1.
Pending street safety improvements:
The Meridian-Girard Multimodal Safety Improvements (TIP project #8) include new bike lanes, installation of a roundabout to replace the traffic signal at the intersection, replacement of a 93-year-old watermain, and ADA upgrades and crossing. The project was awarded a $500,000 grant from the state Transportation Improvement Board.
Parkview Elementary School Safe Route to School Improvements (TIP project #9) should receive $1.62 million for sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and bike lanes on designated school routes.
“Bellingham’s transportation improvements always include a multitude of considerations,” said Chris Comeau, Transportation Planner for Bellingham. “We look at improving access through ADA upgrades and we focus on travel connectivity and community priorities included in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans, as well as working to keep up with new development and resultant traffic flow.
“Getting projects built depends on if we can get the money,” said Comeau. “In both these projects, our transportation planning efforts were successful in securing significant grant funding.”
How to get involved:
Bellingham residents have a role to play. They are invited to speak up about projects planned for their neighborhood. The next six-year TIP listing of street projects will be available on the City’s Transportation Planning webpage beginning Monday, May 3. Members of the public are invited to submit comments or speak about projects in the TIP at the Bellingham City Council meeting on May 24.