Chuckanut Community Forest Master Plan

Description A Master Plan for the Chuckanut Community Forest, commonly known as Hundred Acre Wood, and the adjacent Interurban Greenway trails and open space in southern Bellingham, is complete. The Master Plan creates a dynamic, long-lasting plan that sets priorities and strategies to guide the future of the forest, trails, and open space. The Chuckanut ... Read more

New Direction for Post Point

Project Updates Air Quality Notice of Violation (NOV) at Post Point: The City of Bellingham received a Notice of Violation (NOV) from the Northwest Clean Air Agency (NWCAA) in March 2024 regarding air emissions at the Post Point Resource Recovery Plant. The NOV was issued due to NWCAA concerns about plant compliance with air emissions ... Read more

Post Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

The City strives to provide appropriate, safe, reliable sewer service at a fair, reasonable price while protecting and preserving the environment. As the plant reaches capacity for both load (arrives in the wastewater) and flow (the quantity of wastewater

2014 Annual Overlay Resurfacing Program

The 2014 Annual Overlay Program aims to maintain existing streets to protect the initial investment in the street and to ensure an adequate, quality driving surface for mobility and public safety.

2009-2010 Water Main Replacement Program

The 2009 Water Main Replacement project is part of an annual program to replace aging water mains that are at the end of their lifecycle and require upgrades. Neighborhoods: Fairhaven, Edgemoor

2009-2010 Sewer Replacements – Trenchless

The 2009-2010 Sewer Replacement project consists primarily of replacing manholes and restoring sanitary sewer lines to near new condition through the use of trenchless technology and open cut methods in portions of seven neighborhoods.