
Crushed toilets used as an alternative to traditional concrete.

Ohio, King, and State Street Road Improvements

This project will eliminate left turns from King Street to the I-5 ramp and left turns from Ohio Street to King Street resolving the turning conflict problem. Adding a traffic signal at the Ohio/James Street intersection.

2009 Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings

This annual program constructs pedestrian crosswalk enhancements on arterial streets. Full funding in 2009 at the following locations: Northwest / Maplewood; North Samish / Newell; Lakeway / Grant; Alabama / Grant; York / Railroad.

Cornwall Avenue Water Main

This project consists of installation of a water main on Cornwall Avenue between Chestnut Street and W. Illinois Street, and on Halleck Street between Cornwall Avenue and New Street.

Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program

Annual program to reduce cut-through traffic & speeding on residential streets, this includes the installation of traffic calming devices in selected areas. The construction of speed humps on Grant St., traffic diverters on King St., & etc.