Fraser Stream Mitigation ES-0405

The Fraser Street Mitigation in Lincoln Creek includes fish habitat enhancement of a side channel within Lincoln Creek adjacent to Fraser St. Constructed to mitigate encroachment upon this critical area by the construction of sidewalk improvements Phase I

2009 Neighborhood Traffic Calming

2009 Neighborhood Traffic Calming is the annual program to introduce traffic calming measures for increased safety for motorized and non-motorized traffic. Neighborhoods: Letter Streets, Columbia and Roosevelt.

Bakerview and Irongate Traffic Signal

The project has been on the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan for several years. The project will incorporate a new southbound turn lane on Bakerview Road. Extension of the left-hand turn lane between Irongate and Kramer Lane;& new left-turn Irongate

Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program

Annual program to reduce cut-through traffic & speeding on residential streets, this includes the installation of traffic calming devices in selected areas. The construction of speed humps on Grant St., traffic diverters on King St., & etc.

James Street Pedestrian Enhancement

This project consists of enhancements for the pedestrian crossings at the James/Kentucky intersection and the James/Carolina intersection.